19. Wrap Your Legs Around Me

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Sebastian felt the last thread of his control snap. In two quick steps, he covered their distance and hurled her to him.

Pressing his length to hers making sure she felt everything, every single throbbing. He held her tight and pressed his hips to her, she gasped, her head falling back, he was like a possessed man.

Sebastian ground his hips on hers. Julia grasped his shoulders, frantic not to lose hold of him.

His hands were everywhere.

Lowering his head, he captured her lips with his, the kiss was sweet and sinful. The heat between their mouth intensified and a heady dazed feeling began to sink through Julia's limbs and into her lower belly. With her own breath coming out rough, Sebastian's heart catapulted behind his chest.

He cupped the derrière that had so tempted him and molded it with his hands, molding it to him. He pushed his thigh in between her legs, letting her feel the strength of his leg in her most sensitive part until Julia shivered against his thigh. She moaned into his ear he liked that, so he repeated the movement, rubbing her with his leg until she was moaning in his ear her eyes a little unfocused, just the way he liked them.

Swallowing her moans with his mouth, Sebastian's teeth scraped at her lower lip until his tongue darted out and traced the curve of the corner of her mouth nibbling on her lower lips until she gasped out. He removed his lips and she cried out, latching her mouth to his. Sebastian chuckled inwardly.

"Greedy woman," he murmured. Lifting her up, he said, "Wrap your legs around me."

"What," She said, her voice breathy.

"Wrap your legs around me."

She wrapped her legs around him, and when he began to move he gritted his teeth, he was so sure that they would soon turn to powder just from the way he was clenching it. Somehow Julia's gown had been made with a lighter material, it was not bulky at all as the gowns favored by other women, which made every step he took very painful.

With every step, he took he felt his arousal ground into her, at one point she had moved, whether it was intentionally or knowingly he didn't know.

Stopping, Sebastian tried to control himself before he growled like a young lad who had just been introduced to women for the first time.

Finally, he made it to the bench and sat down with Julia on his laps, and he could still feel her, perhaps more.

Quickly, he latched his mouth on her neck and sucked. A moan escaped her lips, strangled and incoherent and full of desire. Julia jerked up, her head falling back. With one hand he supported her weight, with the other he pulled at her dress.

Letting the fabric of her dress fall away, bearing it down, he proceeded to untie her stays which were fashioned in the front. Bearing her breast. He didn't have time to admire them, so he flipped out a tongue and lapped it at one breast, while he tugged at the other, pinching the tip together. Julia cried out and he repeated the motion. Attending faithfully to her breast, he was breathing harshly, his breathing taut and Julia was a quivering mess in his hand.

With one hand he raised her gown and cool air lapped on Julia's legs. He touched her knee and she quivered and grabbed at his head pulling at his hair until she moaned out. He moved his hand up, towards her thigh. He felt her shiver and clamped her thigh shut trapping his hand in.

Dragging her head down so that he could whisper in her ears. He said in a tight voice "Julia." He paused, breathing harshly into her ear. "Open up for me, don't let me out."

She started to open her thighs again when they heard it.


Someone was shouting her name. Quickly she jumped off his lap shrieking. He helped her to adjust her dress, making sure that she was properly covered. She fled.

And somehow her hair had managed to remain untouched.

Sebastian cursed under his breath, he was even worse than he was before, he was going to have to take a very cold bath when he got around to going home. With one hand he adjusted himself.

Julia tried to get to the person calling her as fast as she could, meanwhile, she kept thinking of what she would say had delayed her. What if it was her mother? Julia thought as she shuddered at the thoughts of that, she hoped not. With one hand she gripped her gown raising it up as she hurried to get to the person.

"Julia! Oh, there you are." Victoria cried. "I have been looking all over for you and your mother was getting worried, then I offered to find you and..." She stopped staring at Julia. "Heavens above! What happened to your mouth?" Victoria cried.

Julia touched a hand to her mouth, she didn't even know anything was wrong with her mouth. She wrinkled her nose. "What about it?"

"It's swollen! What happened to you?" Then she stopped, her hands planted akimbo.

In an entirely different voice, brows furrowed, Victoria asked, "You were kissing someone, weren't you? Who is he?"

"I was not!" Julia cried, blushing furiously.

"Ah-ha here comes that telling sign. If you were not kissing someone then why are your lips swollen?" Victoria asked arching a brow in entirely the same fashion as Sebastian, it must be a family thing,Julia thought and blushed again as she remembered what they had been doing in the garden.

"I...i, oh, drat it all, I was kissing someone."

"Ah-ha! I knew it? Now tell me, who was it?"

Julia chuckled, Victoria and her mother were cut from the same cloth, they had a propensity for gossips. Even now Vicky was waiting for her to say something. Ha! As if she would dare say it was Sebastian. "I'm not going to say who it was, that would be my own little secret."

"But you do tell me everything," Victoria whined sulking.

"Not this time, you are going to have to find another way to satisfy your curiosity.

Victoria pouted. "Is just not fair." She cried but Julia refused to give her any more information and she was adamant about it.

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