24. I saw You Kissing Julia

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"I saw you kissing Julia."

When Cole heard that, he lifted one brow. "You did?" A tinge of doubt lacing his voice.

Sebastian frowned. "Don't pretend as if you do not know what am talking about."

Cole chuckled. He took his time answering. First, he crossed one leg over the other, and then he observed his nails in entirely a lazy fashion. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Sebastian's jaw lock. His smile spread, threatening to burst. "By Jove! Sebastian, with the way you acted and all that, one would think that you might not have seen anything at all."

Sebastian scowled and gritted his teeth. "I saw her sprawled out on your laps. What are your intentions? I don't see you marrying anytime soon."

Cole grinned. "Why Julia is a very delectable woman. Such pretty face and luscious breast, " Cole paused and eyed Sebastian whose face was gradually turning black then he said, in a very serious low voice. "You know I do favor those."

Sebastian stared at Cole with murderous eyes. "You still did not answer my question." It sounded like it came out through clenched teeth.

"Ah Julia, " Cole paused as if thinking. "I could see my self getting leg shackled to her. Such a pretty thing." Cole whistled.

Sebastian's back stiffened as soon as he heard that. Could it be that his friend was serious? he eyed him but cole's eyes had a serious gleam to it. Sebastian swore profusely.

It was so hard to keep things in when all he wanted was to voice them out. Like how he didn't like that, not one bit. Sebastian's chest swelled and he released a breath he didn't even know he was holding and resulted to use discouragement.

Sebastian's eyes were hooded as he stared at Cole with his head lowered. "You know, " he mused. "It won't work. She is ah.....too hot-headed whereas you are calm."

Cole smiled. "I do know that already, that's what makes it so good, " he rubbed his jaw. "I think we suit each other."

Sebastian scowled. "I hardly think so. you know she hardly dons clothing favored by other women." In his mind, he was so sure that this particular reason would dissuade Cole but he was so surprised when Cole opened his mouth.

"You mean breeches? I do know that already. Moreover, it makes her derriere look so delectable."

Sebastian opened his mouth and then clamped it shut. He could feel his blood slowly burn. Just what has been going on under his nose. Cole has been seeing Julia in breeches! Sebastian's lips slowly curled up before his eyes narrowed. "You have seen her in breeches?"

Cole hesitated, deciding on what to say next, as Sebastian looked like he would haul him out of the room if he so much as to say the wrong thing.

"Yes, I believe I have."

"How many times." The words were growled out so slowly that if cole hadn't been paying attention he might not have heard it, yet, behind those words was hardened steel to it.

Cole paused and stared at Sebastian. was it possible that he was just jealous because he had seen Julia in breeches! Was he that possessive?

All this while he had been trying to rile Sebastian because he believed that he wouldn't be able to do anything to him, but he wasn't so sure now. The energy that radiated from Sebastian was enough to let him know that his friend was slowly running out of patience.

All of a sudden Cole stood up from his chair and walked behind it. Placing the chair as a barrier between him and Sebastian. Call him a coward but he wanted to make sure there was a safe distance between them in case Sebastian decides to dive at him.

Only when he was at safe distance from Sebastian did he open his mouth and say "Three."

Cole thought something would happen after he said those words so he stilled himself and waited, but nothing happened then he risked a glance at his friend. Sebastian's expression had slowly turned black until it resembled the bottom of a pot, a muscle ticking in his jaw.

Sebastian clenched his hands tight and slowly rose up, to his full height. his blue eyes fierce.

Even though Sebastian and Cole were almost of the same height. Cole still took one step back. Unconsciously.

Sebastian was standing with his feet wide apart, his hands clenched into tight balls by his side. His chest rising and falling as he stared at his friend with cold eyes. He looked ready to fight which by the way Cole wasn't.

Quickly Cole thought of what to do.
He drew in a breath and grinned lazily then he launched into a tirade of talk about his Arabian horses. Chattering nonstop.

Sebastian was taken back as he stared at his friend. He looked harmless. How is it his fault that he had seen Julia in breeches? if there is anyone to blame then it must be Julia for parading with breeches in the first place. Just like that his anger gradually receded until he was laughing at Cole's jokes. A pair of laughing eyes.

Cole released a breath he didn't know he was holding as he noticed his friend was no longer looking like he wanted to trounce him. Finally, phase one was finished. But bloody hell! it was so damn hard to finish. He needs to talk with Julia and he needed to do it quickly. Sebastian was a fool. Scratch that, an ignorant fool. He wouldn't know happiness even if it was dumped in front of him. Blame it on that father of his, for showing him a different type of marriage. One that shouldn't even be placed as a yardstick while considering marriage.

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