13. The Theater II

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SEBASTIAN HEARD Julia even before he saw her enter the box. He was engaged in a conversation with Julia's mother. A conversation he didn't know how to extricate himself from. Meanwhile, his sister was so absorbed with the play that he was so sure that her reticule could fall down and she still won't notice.

Julia marched furiously to her seat to sit when she saw her mother she plastered on a fake smile on her face. The type that just stretched and stretched without even reaching the eyes. The type that the teeth were clenched tightly behind the lips.

He chuckled inwardly. Now Julia wasn't even trying to smile again she just sulked as if someone had collected her favourite doll. When he turned back again. Ophelia was looking at him strangely. She had a gleam in her eyes. Her eyes squinted as if she was deviously planning something in her mind. Sebastian panicked, surely she wasn't thinking of matching him and Julia he thought. What else could she possibly be thinking about with such devious expression on her face? Hell! It was what all marriage-minded mothers thought about. Looking for the slightest opportunity to get any unsuspecting gentleman leg shackled to their daughter.

Sebastian felt himself shiver at the thought of it. He had always known that he would not marry young, not unless he was into his forties. He was a man who loved women. Especially if they came free of any silly notion of marriage, and he was notorious for it, dallying with any woman who would have him. Sebastian preferred them married, young widows even a doxy, not young debutantes. If you so much as kiss them or stay in the same room with them with no form of chaperon, they would cry off that their daughter has been compromised. And you would be forced to marry the chit and live in agony for the rest of your life.

Isn't that what had happened to his father. He and his mother were caught kissing in the garden at a ball and were forced to marry. His mother had five brothers, so it wasn't hard to force his father. His father barely knew her, he had barely spoken two words to her. Before he knew it, he found himself saddled with her, all because he couldn't control himself. He had taken one look at her and had wanted her. He had wanted her with a passion that surprised him. And it was that same passion that ruined him, no man likes to feel like he was forced to take a wife.

In that aspect, he differed greatly from his father. Granted, he loved women as much as his father did. Hell! Even as much as the father before him and the entire generation of Dashwood men. It was a family thing. But he prided himself on self-control. He likes to think himself capable of handling himself well. Being able to be in control at all times. Even when he was with his mistress, he never lost control, he never relinquished it to anybody.

Even among his peers, he was held in high regard. His folks sought him out in matters concerning anything. They hold him in very high esteem. They admired him. Younger men wanted to follow his footsteps. Older men wanted to be like him. It had always been like that. Control was something he cherished very much. If his father had had more control than he did, if he had willed it, he never would have found himself in a trapped marriage, where he felt miserable, all because he lusted after a woman. Something that men did all the time, lusting after a woman, but it doesn't mean you have to shackle yourself to her, but his father had and therefore made himself miserable, and his mother miserable, and then the children miserable, growing up without the loving warmth of a family.

The play had already ended he realised. At a point when he was wool-gathering Ophelia must have focused back on the play because she was peering through her glass, and Julia, Julia was nowhere to be found. Sebastian swore under his breath.


JULIA HAD suspended going to the gaming hell. She can't pinpoint what exactly led to that decision, only that she needed more time by her side. Half the time she was chasing after Wychford, or lord Tonfield the other half her mother was giving her what she termed lessons on success. Probably that was how her mother judged a success.

She was on her way to Hyde park like she did the other day. The only difference was that she woke up earlier than she did before, and wore her breeches. She finally mustered up the courage to do so. Julia wore a hat that covered most of her face, that way even if she was spotted she won't be recognised. Heavens forbid that she should get caught. Her mother might just expire from the shock of it alone. She rode straight for the serpentine. Her path, which was flanked by tall trees by either side of the road, loomed over her head like a great castle. Bits and pieces of green leaves scattered on the ground.

The road twisted left and then right until she was almost getting to the end of the last road that gave way to the serpentine. Far ahead she glimpsed a horse tied to a tree and made a dash for it, but when she reached the serpentine, she saw no one. Even the horse she had glimpsed earlier was nowhere to be found.

She tugged her hat down better to conceal her face. She moved further inside as she tried to make sense of what she had seen. Then she turned and saw someone watching her. Because of the distance she couldn't see his face, but she knew he was practically naked side from wearing pantaloons and a boot.

The man was tall and huge. His sheer size alone enough to inspire fear in anyone. He started moving towards her, and Julia took one step back. He moved again and Julia did the same. He kept coming at her and Julia broke into a sprint. He gave chase, pursuing her, and in twelve or fifteen quick strides got to her.

"Looking for something to steal here lad? Huh?" He said as he grabbed her and turned her around. Her hat fell over, revealing her hair in all its glory. Disconcerted, he stared at her and she stared back, silently daring him to say anything harsh. But he did nothing but stand there, straight and tall, and stared at her. His face was gradually losing its angry frown and was easily replaced with wonder. And then he broke into a laugh.

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