28. Desire Played A Major Role

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"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Sebastian bit out cruelly. he folded his hands and stared at them.

Julia shivered and turned from Cole's arms. This was the first time she was seeing Sebastian after discovering that she was in love with him. She wanted to go to him but she held herself back.

Surreptitiously she eyed him from head to toes, his riding habit was tight on him. His muscles bulging on his breeches. Julia felt her breathing hitch. Sebastian had a kind of body that suited to tight pantaloons and fitted coats, the kind of body housemaids giggled about behind stairs.

Cole saw Sebastian and grinned. his friend looked like he was holding his control on a very tight leash. Very well, this was just the beginning.

Cole left Julia's side and walked up to his friend. " I'm glad you could make it," Cole said slapping Sebastian on the back in the way of appreciation.

Sebastian said nothing, his attention was still on Julia. she was here...here with Cole. what were they doing? her clothes were rumpled as if they had been tumbling on the ground. at that thought, he shot a sharp look at Cole but saw nothing unusual. His clothes were not rumpled.

Sebastian turned his attention back to Julia as he feasted on her look. Julia chooses that moment to move, Sebastian cursed a hundred times in his mind. he could see the outline of her buttocks in the thin material of her breeches, worst it was slightly damp causing her derrière to mold to the material. Was this what she had been displaying in front of Cole?

How shameless. without even knowing it he took a quick successful step towards her, grabbed her arm, and wrenched her towards him.

Behind him, Cole grinned. he felt victorious. he wanted to leave after all his mission was accomplished. But if he was to leave now Sebastian might find it suspicious. he might even deduce what they are up to. he wouldn't put it pass Sebastian to think in that direction. he was that clever.

Julia glanced up at Sebastian and felt her smile wobbled. Sebastian was looking at her with a frigid expression. his jaw set in a sharp line. his grip on her arm was tight. He was crushing her bones and he wasn't even aware. At the moment he was dragging her. Julia felt her feet move unwillingly.

"Sebastian." she gasped out. that action alone made his grip to tighten.

As soon as he had safely removed her from her former position he set her aside.

Sebastian stared at Julia's clothing with distaste. this simple cloth on her body was enough to drive him wild with lust. he could feel his control crumbling bit by bit. As he stared at her damp shirt he couldn't help but wonder if her breast was secured under that shirt.

Sebastian clenched his hands into a fist and tried not to look at her. he concentrated on her face.

"What are you doing here?" Sebastian growled out in a voice ripe with irritation.

Julia's eyes widen and then it narrowed. "And who said I couldn't be here?"

Sebastian almost felt himself smile. Julia was no simpering miss. he expects she would put up a good fight.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Cole rushing over to them. Sebastian turned his head and cast him a ferocious glare. Cole stopped in his tracks turned and fled. Ah, but nobody knew he was almost dying from laughter. After all his plan was working.

Sebastian turned back again and saw Julia walking away from him. he couldn't help, but notice the way her derriere molded to her breeches. Sebastian cursed furiously and took quick steps towards her.

That derriere has always had a way of shattering his control. He gripped her arm, turned her, and cupped her face. Sebastian's breathe hitched. he almost lost his head right there and then... Julia was trembling in his arms. Sebastian stared at her and read desire, pure unadulterated desire.

He angled her head and in one swift motion, swooped down and covered her lips. he kissed her like his last breath depended on it. Desperate, harsh...rough.

Julia tasted faintly like blackberry jelly. But that pedestrian flavor had nothing to do with the fire that raced up Sebastian's loins.

His frail self-control crumbled and a large hand stroke the middle of Julia's back. A delicious persuasion that made her press closer.

Slowly he ran his fingers on her side then he slipped his hand inside...underneath her shirt.

Sebastian roughly slid his hand upwards. Julia sighed as his hand rounded her breast. Sebastian felt the material that held her breast in place, slipped one finger, and then ruthlessly pulled down the delicate material.

The material slid down without resistance to Julia's waist, she sighed and slipped her hands into his hair. There it was again. The burning, the loss of breath in her chest the sweet fire in her chest, lower in her stomach lower...

Sebastian brought his hands in a slow and dreamy dance around her breast. desire rocking down his body. He was throbbing all over.

Sebastian gave a harsh growl and pulled down her head revealing the delicate column of her neck. with one finger he trailed down her neck down to her breast. his finger hovering near the tip of her breast. He trailed it down to the base, cupped her breast, and pushed it up. Julia trembled and thrust her breast into his hand.

He yanked her up and crushed her breast to his hard chest. softness against hardness. his breath harsh in her ear. he flipped out a tongue and lapped at her earlobe. scratched and sucked with his teeth.

Julia went wild. "Sebastian!" She moaned. Her hands were everywhere. on his hair. On his shoulders on his back trailing down dangerously to his....buttocks. Sebastian's eyes snapped open. desire laced in them. The thought alone of her hands dangerously close to his taut buttocks made him throb all over. He was out of control and he didn't care.

Swiftly he turned her around and pressed her sweet delicious derriere to his thigh. His fingers running along her body in a frenzied manner. From the back, he cupped her breast and squeezed.

Sebastian trembled, he was unable to keep his hands steady. his hand ran down the front of her body, past her breasts, her stomach, and went lower. He found himself poised on the brink of pulling Julia's shirt up or down---it hardly mattered.

He was consumed with white-hot lust. pure, shaking, shuddering lust. Sebastian growled and snatched his hands back. Then proceeded to create a sustainable amount of space between them. he ran his hand in his hair and gripped it. what was he doing? ravishing Julia, here of all places. He was better than this. she deserved better. if anyone had seen them. it would have been scandalous. he would have been forced to marry the chit then where would he be. history would repeat itself and he would end up in a marriage just like his father's, ruled entirely by lust. He refused to be that type of man.

Julia stared at Sebastian with a wounded expression. He looked as if he was in pain. what did it mean? Cole had assured her that Sebastian would be unable to resist her. was it a good thing. did she succeed? oh drat, it all. tears burned the back of Julia's eyes. Sebastian was staring at her with cold eyes. He had finally managed to rein in his emotions she realized.

This was harder than when she was just trying to seduce Cole and Wakefield. Julia lowered her eyes and tried to compose herself.

Sebastian tried to avoid looking at Julia. Her hair was tousled as if she just rolled out of bed and he still burned. He had to get her home before other morning riders catch up to them.

If he suggested they leave now, he knew she would protest and fight him all the way. without saying a word he picked her up to his arms and carried her to her horse. Julia protested all the way screaming.

"Bring me down this instant! Do you hear me? bring! me! down!"

Against his better judgment, Sebastian felt himself smile. He ignored her and held her tight. his jaw clenched tight. she was wriggling in his arms in an attempt to come down in the process rubbing her breast on him.

"Didn't you hear me?" she hit him on his shoulder. " I said bring me down!" She growled. Her words spaced out evenly in an angry tone.

Sebastian ignored her and planted her on her horse. he mounted his horse and soon they were on their way back with Julia sulking beside him.

When they got to a part that would lead straight to her house. Sebastian stopped his horse and watch Julia ride straight to her house. his eyes lingering on her hair bouncing up and down.

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