20. Gossips And The Lengths She Could Go for Them

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EVEN BEFORE Julia stepped back into the ballroom she knew there was no way she was going to dance again, even if she wanted to.

Her mind was in chaos and it was all Sebastian's fault! Her mind was racing and she wasn't sure she knew how to behave.

Sitting out the next dance would be the best option. If any gentleman should ask for a dance. She would tell him the same thing she has been telling his predecessor. "I think I might have injured my ankle." With the way she dressed and looked that was the only thing, she knew that could stop them from smoldering her.

Funny enough Vicky chooses to seat out with her.

How strange!

The lengths she could go for gossip!

Even though Vicky pretended as if she was not interested in who kissed her. The few glances she threw her every five minutes still gave her away.
At the moment she looked as if she would expire from the lack of information.

However, after another five minutes, Julia felt someone tug her dress. She looked down and saw Vicky making cow eyes at her. At that moment Vicky looked very adorable and innocent. "Who was it?" She whined. "Haven't I exercised enough patient?"

Julia raised a brow so this was what this was about? Vicky thought that if she waited longer that she might be tempted to spill the beans. Julia huffed and compressed her mouth turning the other way. As long as she was concerned, nothing was getting past these lips.

Seeing this Vicky scowled and thought of another strategy she could use to make Julia talk.

Ignorant of Vicky trouble. Julia drifted in and out of her thoughts her mind racing, thinking of all the things she has done with Sebastian. what she had let Sebastian do to her. All the places his hands had touched her. He had been about to touch her there! In between her legs! Julia wanted him even though she knew he was no good for her. He wasn't what she wanted but Cole, yes, lord Tonfield was who she should be encouraging. He was her only hope now. It wouldn't do to throw away a lifetime of struggle over a one time pleasure. No! She wouldn't succumb.

Even as she thought about all these things. Even as her mind craved all these things her body craved another. Her body ached for Sebastian. Her sex wanted him buried deep within her.

She wanted Sebastian and there was no denying that fact.

"Was it Wychfort?" Vicky asked Julia turned, momentary at a loss of what Vicky was asking her.

Seeing that Julia didn't understand. Vicky wanted to cry. She pouted. "Was it Wychfort that kissed you? I saw the way he was looking at you." She hesitated. "As if he wanted to eat you."

Julia looked at Vicky in disbelief. "How would you even know how that looks like?"

"Trust me I do know what it looks like. But he is not the one. Is he?" Vicky asked, shamelessly fishing for information.

Julia folded her arms and furrowed her brows. "He is not the one."

"Then who?"

Julia opened her mouth to answer but then she saw the bright smile on Vicky's face and scowled. "Wipe that excitement from your face. I won't be telling you anything."

Vicky grabbed Julia's right arm with her hands before she rested her cheeks on her shoulders. In a very small voice, she said: "why won't you tell me? If you don't tell me who else would you tell."

Julia ignored her. However, after ten seconds, the next thing she heard was a cute childlike voice saying "Pleaseeee. Pleaseeeee! Vicky was gently tugging her arm as she said this. Her expression softened, her eyes wide with her lips, turned up into a cute adorable pout.

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