40. Epilogue

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Six years later.

Hanton Abbey, Wiltshire.

JULIA WAS WEARING her night rail, the one her mother had given her. She hadn't had a chance to wear it even on her wedding night, for immediately after the ceremony, Sebastian had carried her upstairs, where he proceeded to devour and ravish her, and Julia had loved every minute of it.

She didn't blame him. The ceremony was supposed to have taken place two weeks after his proposal, but somehow Ophelia kept postponing it, there was always something that was yet to be done. There was always something that was not done to her satisfaction.

During that time, Julia had wondered if perhaps her mother had thought she was planning her own wedding, what with the way she monopolized everything, Julia couldn't help, but think in that direction.

Eventually, Sebastian became frustrated and did the only thing he could do at that time to hasten up the wedding. Sebastian compromised her.

Julia liked to think that he had planned it all from the start. That day, he had called on their estate in Warwickshire and was ushered into the drawing-room.

They were perfectly having a nice conversation until Sebastian stood up, and started kissing her.

The drawing-room door had been left open for cases like this so that if a gentleman was held in a grip of passion and attempts to ravish an unmarried lady in the drawing-room, upon seeing the open door, he would at least recover a semblance of his senses, and stop.

But even after knowing this, Sebastian had continued, and Julia couldn't have stopped him even if she wanted to.

He had kissed her so passionately and utterly that Julia was left breathless. He had pulled one hand If her dress down and then had kissed her on her right shoulder. That was how they were found, by no other, than her mother's friends who had come to have an afternoon tea with Ophelia.

The marriage preparation which had taken Ophelia more than two weeks to plan was planned quickly, and in less than two days, Sebastian married Julia at the private chapel at Edinburgh.

Now, Julia was at Wiltshire, as a married woman and as the mistress of the house, with Vicky as her sister in law.

Julia leaned back on her chair and surveyed her cards, she was playing a game of cards with her husband. They had played three rounds, and Sebastian had won twice, she had only been fortunate to win once. This was the last round and she expected to win. She wanted to show her husband that she was a worthy opponent, even though the drink Sebastian had offered her was turning her senses around.

Very well, Julia thought and whirled her drink around. If he was going to result in tricks she might as well use her feminine wails on him.

So she leaned forward and placed her elbow on the table. Julia smiled, for she knew that her breast would be straining on the material of her green night rail. it was made of the sheerest silk, one that complimented her skin tone.

Julia swept her eyes thoroughly over her husband and smiled. She wanted to make sure he had taken in the full effect of her night rail.

Sebastian's eyes darkened perceptively as he adjusted his position on his chair. He frowned and barked at his wife. "What the devil are you waiting for? do play something."

Julia smiled, she knew her husband well by now, he was getting frustrated. Good.

Sebastian tried to concentrate on his cards, but he couldn't help but notice that his breeches were getting uncomfortably tight. Sebastian gripped his cards and frowned, there was no way that he will be losing to his wife. Ha! so she could rave on and on to Cole about how she won. Ha, he had always had a competitive bone in his body and he wasn't going to give Julia the satisfaction of winning him.

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