37. Vows, Promises And Scandal

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Bolwick castle, London.

UNLIKE COLE who had come to lady Durford's house party without an invitation. Sebastian, on the other hand, had been offered one.

The invitation had been sent a bit late, but nevertheless, for the first time in Sebastian's life, he was glad to see a scrap of paper.

He could have allowed his sister to come to this very party, but God help him, he didn't trust her to keep her mouth shut. He didn't trust her to keep the gossip contained.

Why? she might be tempted to divulge the whole secret even before he has had the chance to declare his feelings.

Sebastian stepped into the drawing-room with a decided air of grace. He paused at the door as he tried to calm his racing heart.

A few of the guests had stopped their conversation and spared him a curious stare.

Sebastian winced. He could only imagine what he looked like. But who could blame him? He had ridden nonstop, first to Warwickshire to seek an audience with Julia's cousin, and then to the archbishop of Canterbury to procure a special license, at that point, worrying over his clothes would have been nothing more than a frivolous act.

Of course, if he had wanted to appear in a better state then he did now. He could have taken his carriage. The luxury and comfort of the carriage would have preserved his clothes, but at the same time slow him down.

He would forever be stopping at every available inn to rest, and feed the horses. But with one horse, it was so much different, it was easier, and faster. That is if one overlooks the state in which one's cloth would be in.

The duke of Hanton took a quick successful step towards Julia, his steps focused, and direct.

On his way, he hooked two fingers and wriggled out his cravat from his neck. If his dear mama had been alive to see this. She might have swooned from the shock of it.

This was the height of it. A well-bred gentleman, will never, ever, undress in the presence of respectable ladies. If his dear mama had been there, she might have refused to believe she had anything to do with his upbringing.

Luckily for him, that action seems to have gone by, unnoticed. But, it was of no use, for the duke seems not to give a care if he created a scandal, or not. He was tired of living within the boundaries of the ton. He would do what he wanted, and how he wanted it, society be damned.

As if sensing his presence Julia turned and met his stare. He held it. silently daring her to break it off. Instead, Julia turned properly and stared at him. Her eyes drifted from his eyes down to his lips as she stared at him with unconcealed desire.

The Duke, felt himself shiver uncontrollably and tried his most damn, to get to her before he did something foolish.

Sebastian reached Julia and did something unthinkable. An action that elicited gasps from the very mouth of London mamas and their daughters, then unconcealed curiosity from the eyes of gentlemen.

Sebastian Dashwood, the fifth duke of Hanton fell on one knee in front of lady Julia. An action that seems to have shocked and rocked the whole room.

Sebastian raised his head and discovered that the same feminine traits which all the ladies in the blasted house party seems to be in possession of, had somehow been passed unto Julia, for her lips had parted, and she stared at him with wide eyes.

Sebastian felt himself smile. heh, really, had he managed to shock everyone, didn't he look like someone who could fall down on one knee in front of a woman he loved.

The duke of Hanton spared a glance at Cole and found him grinning. He seems to be the only one who wasn't quite surprised.

Sebastian turned his head back to Julia. He opened his mouth to talk, and then snapped it shut immediately as he realized that the poem he had been reciting on, for days had suddenly vanished from his mind. He should have expected something like this, he had never been cut out for poetry.

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