Part 3 | Past Lives

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May 2022


This had been one of the most stressful weeks of my life. I never had good luck in my home race but Mattia had promised I was the priority this weekend with upgrades. Ferrari pulled out all the stops to ensure I'd perform well. Carlos understood fully and he was even doing everything he could to make me feel better and perform my best.

Despite making pole during qualifying, I couldn't get excited ahead the race. I had to remain focused and not slip up. The pressure of my hometown watching me, expecting the best from me was too much. 

I was in my apartment, waiting for my girlfriend to come over. The past two years for my home race, we'd have the tradition of eating pizza and taking a bath together before the race the next day. She said she'd be over around 7 and it was getting close to 8pm. Iw as starting to get worried when I heard the intercom buzzer.

I buzzed her into the building and walked over to my door to let her up. When she walked in, I noticed she didn't have food in her hands, which was odd because she was the one who always brought it. 

"Allo bebe! Did you forget the pizza? No problem I can order some to be delivered." I went in to give her a kiss, but she turned her face and my lips landed on her cheek. My anxiety started to heighten and I was worried I did something wrong.  

"Charles, I'm going to cut to the chase. I want to breakup."

And that's when my whole world came crashing down. 2 years of memories flooding my mind, all to be taken away in the blink of an eye. I blinked rapidly, hot tears threatening to spill. I didn't understand why this was happening.

"What?" was all I was able to respond with.

"Charles, you're too emotional. You need constant reassurance and you always want to be cuddled. I can't do this. Your results have been horrible this season and I can do better. You're just not as good enough. I deserve better. Last year we had to much fun traveling, always doing things. This year all you care about is your results and someone to hold your hand when a race goes poorly. I had faith in you at the start of the season, but there's no way you'll be a champion."

"I...I can't believe how shallow you are. If I can't turn to you in dark times, who else can I turn to?" The sadness was quickly replaced by anger. "I trusted you..I love you and now you want to breakup the night before the most stressful race of the season?"

"Charles, get over yourself. You'll never break the Monaco curse. You'll end up drunk in your apartment after Ferrari fucks up your race, if you don't fuck it up yourself." 

I refused to let her see me cry, but the tears had a mind of their own. The rolled down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away with the back of my hand. 

"Are you crying, get over yourself. What kind of man cries? What would your friends say? What would your papa think of you?"

"Emma... when did you become so heartless? What happened to the sweet girl I thought you were" I was truly baffled. Even two days ago everything seemed okay, I had no idea where this was all coming from. But when she mentioned my late papa, something clicked inside of me.... she had no right.

"I've been seeing someone else. Someone who is a real man, and spoils me. I'm sorry Charles but I can't be blamed. You should have paid more attention to me."

Seeing someone else. All the sadness I had was gone. My heart cracked right down the middle and everything I knew about the woman I loved standing in front of me was gone. The love that once filled  my eyes was replaced with something more passionate, hatred.

"Get out."

She turned towards the door, turning her head back towards me. She gave me a final look, and left without saying another word. The dam broke and tears were uncontrollably running down my face. I sunk down to my knees, wondering...where did it all go wrong? Was she right? Was I a failure in every aspect of my life? What would my papa think of me?

My relationship just burst into flames and the championship was slipping out of my fingers. Dark clouds were forming around me and little did I know, it would only get worse from here. 

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