Part 32 | Snow On The Beach

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WP is annoying so not sure if you guys got the notification for the chapter I posted before this ❤️ 

March 8, 2023

The morning light was peeking into the room, through the curtains. I was lying there, staring at the ceiling, unable to shake the huge smile from my face. My mind kept replaying yesterday, qualifying for the first race of the season and snagging pole position. It felt so good to be back in the zone, to feel that rush of adrenaline again. 

But what made it even better was that, despite everything that had happened in the days before, I peace. And that had everything to do with Aria. She hadn't come to the track yesterday. She'd wanted to give me space, let me focus fully on qualifying without any distractions, and I appreciated that more than I could say. It showed how much she understood me, how much she cared about this part of my life. 

The day had been a whirlwind, but last night...last night was something else entirely. when I got back to the hotel, I found Aria waiting for me, her soft smile instantly calming me. We ordered room service, just the two of us, nothing fancy...pasta and some dessert. It was simple, but it felt like the best meal I'd had in a long time. 

We talked for hours, about everything and nothing at all. She had this way of making everything feel light again, even when I was weighed down by all the pressure of the season starting again. I found myself falling harder for her with each passing minute. Every little glance, every subtle smile, I couldn't help but get more wrapped up in her. 

But as much as I was drawn to her, I could sense she was holding back. There was a moment when she looked at me, and I saw something in her eyes. A flicker of hesitation, like there was more she wanted to say but didn't. I didn't push her, though. I couldn't. I didn't want to rush her or make her feel pressured. I was learning, slowly, that sometimes you have to give space to let things unfold naturally. 

She had her guard up, and I understood that. Maybe she wasn't ready for everything that was happening between us, and maybe it scared her as much as it scared me. But the more we talked, the more I realized I wanted her in my life, in every part of it. I wanted to take things slow, to make sure we were both ready before diving into something that could change everything. 

As the night went on, we fell into a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. She seemed relaxed, but there was still that small part of her that stayed distant, just out of reach. I could see it in the way she'd sometimes look away, like she was keeping something to herself. And as much as I wanted to know what was going on in her mind, I didn't ask. Not yet. I didn't want to push her. Not when things were finally starting to feel right between us. 

As I lay there, reminiscing about last night, I felt Aria shift next to me. Her body instinctively moved closer, her arm draping across my chest as she nuzzled into my side, still half asleep. I couldn't help but laugh softly. 

I glanced down, seeing her messy hair and peaceful face pressed against me. There was something about this, the way she fit so perfectly by my side, that made everything feel...right. My smile widened as I gently ran my fingers through her hair, feeling the warmth of her body against mine. The comfort of having her here, waking up next to her on the morning of the seasons first race, felt like a quiet reminder that, no matter what happens on the track today, I had something special waiting for me off it. 

She stirred slightly, tightening her hold around me, and I could feel her soft breath against my skin. I couldn't help but feel good, really good. It was like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders, and for the first time in a long while, I felt balanced. I glanced at the clock...there were still a few hours before I had to be at the track, but for now, I just wanted to soak in this moment. The car, the race, the pressure of winning, none of it mattered right now. All I could think about was Aria, and how lucky I was to have her in my life.

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