Part 20 | Forza Ferrari

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February 12, 2023


I never thought I'd dread going back to Maranello as much as I did after the way last season ended. The thought of walking through those doors, seeing the same faces that had watched me fall apart, and hearing the same empty promises, it all felt like a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. 

But I had no choice. The 2023 car launch was around the corner, and whether I liked it or not, I had to be there. After that first therapy session with Dr. Laurent, though, something shifted. It wasn't a miracle cure, but for the first time in a long while, I felt a spark of hope. 

Talking about everything, my fears, my lifted a bit of the weight off my shoulders. And then, seeing Aria for coffee afterward, her smile, the way she listened without judgment, it was like a breath of fresh air. 

For the first time in months, I allowed myself to believe that maybe things could get better. But as the day to head back to Ferrari headquarters approached, that old anxiety started creeping back in. I kept replaying the end of the 2022 season in my mind, especially the way I stormed out of Abu Dhabi. The frustration, the anger, the feeling of being utterly betrayed by my own team, it all came rushing back. 

I hated the idea of seeing Mattia again, of pretending everything was fine when it was far from it. The drive to Maranello was tense. I kept my eyes on the road, my mind running through every possible scenario of how this meeting could go. 

Would Mattia try to smooth things over with more empty words? Would I have to fake another smile and force out another "Forza Ferrari" while seething inside? I didn't know if I had it in me. But when I arrived and walked through the doors, something was different. 

There was a buzz in the air, a sense of anticipation that felt...different. Carlos was already there, leaning against the wall with his usual grin, but even he seemed more relaxed than usual. 

"Ciao Perceval." 

Before I could respond back, the news hit us...there was a new team principal. 

I could hardly believe it. Mattia was gone. Just like that, the source of so much of my anger and frustration was no longer a part of this team. And then they told us who the new team principal was, and I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. It was someone I'd always been fond of, someone who understood racing, who understood me, and who I knew would be more than just a figurehead. 

Fred Vasseur.

For the first time in a long time, I felt a sense of relief, like maybe this was the fresh start I so desperately needed. The dread that had been gnawing at me began to fade, replaced by something else, hope. Hope that this season could be different, that I could be different. 

I glanced at Carlos, who gave me a nod, his grin widening. We didn't need to say anything. We both knew this was the change we'd been waiting for. As we headed toward the meeting room, I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time, excitement. Excitement to be back at Maranello, to see what the future held. Maybe, just maybe, this could be the beginning of something good.

As we made our way down the corridor to the meeting room, Carlos nudged me with his elbow, a mischievous spark in his eyes. "So," he began, dragging the word out like he was about to tease me about something. "You seem different, mate. Good different. What's going on?" 

I laughed, shaking my head. "Yeah, actually. I started seeing a therapist. It's been...good. Hard, but good. It's helped me get a lot off my chest, you know?" 

Carlos raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised. "Really? That's great, Charles. I'm really proud of you mate. And know, I'm here for you no matter what." 

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