Part 8 | Unexpected Sunshine

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January 20th, 2023

The sun was beginning to set over Monaco as I sat into one of my more low-key cars. I had just finished a long day of sim training alone and realized that I needed to grab a few things for dinner. I had been staying with my maman and no one was home, forcing me to need to step out for some necessities. I headed to the small local market around the corner from my childhood home, a place I liked because it was quiet, and I could usually go unnoticed.

As I walked down the familiar aisles, my thoughts were still on the day's sim training, analyzing every corner, every lap, every decision I made. I reached for a basket, my mind already on autopilot as I made my way through the store, mentally checking off the items I needed.

But then something changed. It was subtle at first, a shift in the air, a presence that tugged at my attention. My heart skipped a beat, and I knew before I even turned around that it was her.


I hadn't seen her in nineteen days, yes I mentally counted, but the way my body reacted, it felt like no time had passed at all. I tried to play it cool, taking a deep breath as I turned to confirm what I already knew. And there she was, standing by the fresh produce, examining a bunch of apples like it was the most important decision in the world.

She hadn't seen me yet, so I took a moment to observe her. Her hair was slightly tousled, her bangs falling in front of her face, and she wore a simple sundress that flowed with her every movement. She looked... beautiful. Effortlessly beautiful.

"Aria," I said, louder than I intended. She looked up, startled at first, but then her face broke into that warm smile I remembered from her apartment. Something inside of me lit up.

"Charles!" she exclaimed, her voice genuine. "I didn't expect to run into you here. How have you been?" she cautiously asked, knowing how the last thing she remembers of me, is me running out of her apartment. 

I walked over, trying to keep my cool. My heart was still racing, and I hoped she couldn't see how nervous I was. "I've been good, busy with training for the upcoming season, as always. What about you? What brings you here?"

She shrugged, glancing down at the apples in her hand. "Just grabbing a few things for dinner. Nothing special. This is my favorite locally sourced market." Her eyes met mine, and I could see the concern in them. I had tried to pretend like the night at her apartment didn't happen.

"But how are you really, Charles? Not just the usual 'busy with training' answer."

I hesitated, then gave her a small smile. "Honestly? It's been tough. Since I've last seen you I've been doing a lot better. Something changed in me that day at your place. I've really been putting in an effort. I never got to say how much I appreciate you."

She nodded, her expression softening. "I can imagine. But you're doing amazing, Charles. Don't forget that. And it's okay to take a break, to breathe. It's also ok to not be okay. You never have to thank me, I'd do it all over again."

Her words were comforting, more than she probably realized. We chatted for a bit longer, catching up on what she had been up to. I felt bad as I had hardly known her and everything had been focused on me and my issues.

As we talked, I realized how much I'd missed this feeling. She had this way of making everything seem less overwhelming, of making me feel like just a normal guy, not Charles Leclerc the racing driver.

And then, before I could talk myself out of it, I decided to take a leap. "Aria," I started, my voice a little uncertain. 

"I... I don't know if you're still around in Monaco through January, or you're traveling for work, but I'd love to meet with you, as a thank you. Maybe over coffee or dinner sometime? I'd love to have you over mine."

She looked at me, a little surprised, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. "Yeah, I'd like that. Truthfully I was thinking about finding a way to reach out to you, to check in on you, but I realized I wouldn't know how" she said, her smile returning. "I'm still in town until February 14th, so... yeah."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. She had wanted to reach out to me! "Great. Could I... could I have your number?"

For a moment, I wondered if I'd pushed too far, but then she reached into her bag, pulling out her phone. "Of course. Here, give me yours too."

As we exchanged numbers, I couldn't help but smile. Maybe it was the adrenaline from finally feeling good about something, or maybe it was something else, but for the first time in a while, I felt genuinely excited about something.

We said our goodbyes, and I watched as she walked towards the cashier, paying for her items. I stood there for a moment, my phone with her number clutched in my hand.

I knew this was just a start, but it was a good one. And as I finished my shopping and headed home, I couldn't shake the feeling that this unexpected encounter was exactly what I needed. Parts of the old Charles were starting to peak through and this feeling was too good to let go. 

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Author's Note: Our queen is back and the tension is tensioning, at least from Charles' end ❤️ 

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