Part 39 | All Mine

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June 10th, 2023

The moment I landed in Nice, my mind was only on one thing, Aria. I didn't care about the P2 I'd gotten in Canada, even though it was a decent result. That didn't matter right now. All I could think about was her voice on the phone, the fear behind her words, and the cryptic message from her estranged father. 

My heart had broken for her the instant she told me, and I hated that I was so far away when she needed me most. I drove straight from the airport to her apartment, pushing through the tiredness of the race weekend and traveling. None of it compared to the urgency I felt to be by her side. 

She had sounded strong when we last spoke, and I knew Arthur had been with her, keeping her company and helping her calm down. For that, I was grateful, Arthur always had a way of lightening the mood and bringing out her smile, but still, I needed to see her with my own eyes, to make sure she was okay. 

As I pulled up outside her building and parked, I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. I knew she wouldn't want to talk about her father right away, and honestly, I didn't either. I just wanted to hold her. I wanted to remind her that I was here, that I wasn't going anywhere, no matter what happened. I stepped out of the car, grabbed my bag, and headed inside. 

The doorman gave me a polite nod, already knowing where I was headed. I'd been coming to Aria's apartment so often that it felt like a second home at this point. When I finally reached her door, I knocked softly, not wanting to scare her. 

A few seconds later, the door opened, and there she was, standing in front of me with a small, tired smile. 

"Charles," she breathed, and the sound of my name on her lips was like a bolt of energy. Without a word, I stepped forward and pulled her into my arms. She melted against me, her head resting on my chest, and I could feel the tension in her body slowly fading away. I held her tighter, burying my face in her hair, breathing in the familiar scent of her. 

"I'm here," I whispered against her forehead. "I'm here now, amour." 

She didn't say anything at first, just held on to me like I was the only thing keeping her grounded. After a moment, she pulled back slightly, looking up at me with those beautiful green eyes. 

"Thank you for coming," she said softly, her voice a little shaky. 

"I told you I'd always come, no matter what." I said with a small smile, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "I'll always be here for you, Aria."

Her eyes glistened as she nodded, and I could see the emotion she was trying to hold back. I knew this wasn't easy for her, talking about her father, reliving old memories. But she was strong, stronger than she realized, and I wanted to be the one to help her see that. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked gently, still holding her close. She shrugged a little, leaning into me again. 

"Better, thanks to Arthur. He kept me distracted, made me laugh. I think he's even better at that than you sometimes," she teased lightly. 

I laughed softly, grateful that Arthur had been able to lift her spirits. "I'll have to step up my game then." 

Aria smiled faintly but then sighed, her fingers gripping the front of my jacket. "I'm just...I don't know, Charles. I don't know what he wants or why now. It's been so long, and I thought I'd moved past it all. But just seeing that brought everything back. All the fear, all the confusion. I thought I was stronger than this." 

"You are strong," I said firmly, pulling back so I could look her in the eyes. "You're one of the strongest people I know. Just because something from the past is trying to come back doesn't mean it has power over you now. You've built a life, your life, and nothing can take that away from you." 

Eyes Don't Lie | Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now