Part 12 | Let The Light In

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February 3rd, 2023

I stood in front of Aria's apartment door again, staring at the number plate for what felt like the hundredth time. My hands were slightly trembling, the weight of the small container of cookies I brought from home feeling heavier than it should. Maman had insisted they'd be the perfect thing to bring. "As a thank you," she'd said.

It wasn't that I didn't want to be here. I did. More than anything, really. Aria had become someone I looked forward to spending time with. What started as a disastrous first encounter on my part, had slowly grown into something more... significant. 

Aria and I started texting more frequently, our conversations evolving from light banter to more meaningful check-ins. She seemed to have this uncanny ability to sense when I needed someone to talk to, especially about the things I couldn't bring myself to share with anyone else. She slowly was creeping up to be someone super important in my life.

I lifted my knuckles up but the door swung open before I could knock, and there she was, smiling up at me, her eyes full of warmth . "Hey, Charles! Come in!" Her voice was angelic, effortlessly washing my anxieties away.

"Salut, Aria," I managed to say, hoping my voice didn't betray just how nervous I was. I handed her the container. "I can't cook for shit, but these are from my maman. She baked them this morning....I did putting them into this box."

Her eyes lit up as she took the container, and I felt my heart burst a little. "Homemade cookies? You know the way to my heart already," she teased, stepping aside to let me in. 

"And I love the way you put them into the box" she joked.

The smell of something delicious was coming from the kitchen, instantly making my mouth water. I followed her into the familiar apartment. Now actually taking a moment to properly observe everything, the whole apartment screamed 'Aria.' It was warm, comfortable, and fun...a perfect reflection of her.

"You didn't have to bring anything," she said, setting the container on the kitchen counter. "But I'm so glad you did. I have a feeling these are going to be amazing."

I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. "Maman has that effect on people. But I, uh... I wasn't sure what to bring, and I didn't want to come empty-handed."

"You're here, that's what matters," she said, her eyes sincere. "Now, how about you sit down and relax while I finish up? Dinner will be ready soon."

I nodded, though 'relaxing' was easier said than done. I took a seat at the small dining table, my eyes fixated on Aria in the kitchen. She moved around the kitchen with practiced ease, humming along to the music, reminding me of the morning I woke up in her apartment for the first time. Tonight was a simple thing, just a dinner between two friends, but for some reason, it felt like much more than that. I secretly wanted it to be more than that.

"So," she said, breaking the silence as she chopped some vegetables. "How have you been? Really. I know we saw each other a few days ago, but...yeah" she giggled. 

The question hung in the air, heavy with all the unspoken things I'd been keeping to myself. I hesitated, my gaze dropping to my hands, playing with my rings. Aria had a way of getting right to the heart of things without making it feel intrusive. It was one of the things I appreciated most about her in the short time we had known each other.

"Honestly?" I started, my voice quiet. "It's been... intense. This new season coming up... it's like there's this weight on my shoulders, and I can't seem to shake it."

She paused in her chopping, turning her full attention to me. "Is it the pressure? Expectations? How last season ended?"

"Partly," I admitted. "But it's more than that. After Abu Dhabi... I've been avoiding going out in public. I just...I don't want to be seen. I stormed out of the paddock, and then I skipped the Drivers' Championship Gala. I'm not proud of it, but..."

"You don't have to explain," she said, her voice full of understanding. "You don't owe anyone an explanation, Charles. What you went through... it's normal to feel like you need some space. You needed a break."

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat. "I just didn't expect it to be this hard, you know? I've always been good at brushing things off, at moving on. But this... it feels different."

Aria set down the knife and walked over, pulling out the chair beside me. She didn't say anything at first, just sat there, letting me gather my thoughts. It was something I hadn't realized I needed until now, someone who didn't need to fill the silence, someone who was just... there.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked softly, her hand resting gently on my arm.

"The criticism, the doubt... I've always had to prove myself, but now... I don't know if I can. What if this season turns out the same way as last?"

She squeezed my arm, her touch grounding me in a way that nothing else had. "You don't have to prove anything to anyone, Charles. You've already shown the world what you're capable of. And the people who matter... they see you for who you are, not just what you do on the track."

Her words hit me harder than I expected, and for a moment, I just sat there, letting them sink in. It was something I hadn't allowed myself to believe—because believing it meant letting go of the fear that had been holding me back.

"I guess I've been so focused on the next race, the next season, that I forgot to just... be present," I said.

"It's easy to get lost in it all," she agreed, her eyes full of empathy. "But you're more than just a driver, Charles. And it's okay to take a step back, to give yourself time to heal."

I looked at her then, really looked at her, and I realized how much her companionship had come to mean to me. She wasn't just someone I started to text when things got rough, she was someone I felt I could trust, someone who understood the parts of me that I struggled to accept myself, even if in a short time.

"Merci, Aria," I said.

She smiled, that same warm, reassuring smile. "That's what friends are for, right?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. I felt a pit in the bottom of my stomach when she said 'friends' but I shook it off. I couldn't expect her to feel anything for me, not so soon, especially not someone who was as much of a mess like I was. 

Dinner was perfect, of course. Aria's cooking was everything I'd imagined it would be. We ate, we talked and I found myself genuinely laughing, the tension slowly melting away. We ended our night munching on maman's cookies pairing them with a shot of espresso. 

As I watched her bite into her first cookie, she rolled her eyes back and let out a playful moan. A blush crept up on my cheeks, causing me to look away from her. "These are the best cookies I've ever tasted, I must have the recipe!"

I laughed, "well I'll have to introduce you to her. She'd love you....actually she kind of already does" I trailed off, realizing what I just said...out loud.

"You talk about me with her?" Okay, my blush was definitely back. She placed her hand on my arm again, reassuringly. "I only kid Charles, don't worry." She smiled and we went back to talking about some of her upcoming projects.  

When I finally left her apartment that night, with leftovers she insisted I take...I felt lighter, more at ease. The world outside didn't seem so daunting anymore. And as I walked back to my car, I couldn't help but think...this is the new and improved Charles. I wanted him to stick around, I'd make sure he stuck around.

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Author's Note: I love THEM!!! Also I'm making my chapters slightly longer now, there's so many ideas and thing I have to write hehe. Things are going good, huh? Almost too good...❤️ 

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