Part 21 | Souls and Sunsets

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Done in Aria POV
February 12th, 2023

Tokyo was sparkling with energy, and I should have been caught up in the excitement of being here for the first time ever. The city lights, the sounds, the people, it was everything I had imagined. I was in Tokyo for an exclusive photoshoot with a brand I'd dreamed of working with for a long time. It was a huge opportunity, something that should have had all my attention. But instead, my mind kept wandering back to Charles. 

I found myself on the balcony of my hotel room, watching the sunset. The sky was a mix of soft oranges, pinks, and purples, blending together like a painting. It was beautiful, almost surreal, but it also made me feel a bit lonely.

There was something so easy about being with Charles, and now, miles away in Tokyo, I realized how much I missed it, even if we only had a few moments together. I took out my phone and snapped a picture of the sunset. The colors were too perfect not to share, and I knew Charles would appreciate it. 

I opened our message thread, which had become more active lately. We'd been texting more often, checking in on each other, and sharing little moments from our days. I started typing, 'Thought you'd appreciate this. Hope your day's going great Charles.'

My thumb hovered over the send button. I hesitated, biting my lip. I knew Charles was busy in Maranello, working hard on the Ferrari car launch. He'd been so focused, trying to get everything right for the new season. I didn't want to interrupt him, didn't want to pull him away from what he needed to do. But at the same time, I wanted to reach out. I wanted him to know that I was thinking about him, that even from so far away, I felt connected to him. It was strange, really. 

We had only known each other for a short while, but it felt like we understood each other in a way that was rare. I found myself smiling at my phone whenever I saw his name pop up, my heart skipping a beat when I read his messages. And here I was, in one of the most exciting cities in the world, and all I could think about was whether or not to send a simple photo. 

I sighed, lowering my phone and leaning on the balcony railing. The sun was dipping lower, the sky darkening as the colors faded. I wondered what Charles was doing right now. Was he as focused and serious as he had been during our last conversation? Was he thinking about me, even a little bit, the way I was thinking about him? I knew I was starting to feel more than just friendship for him, but I also knew how much he was going through. 

The 2022 season had been tough on him, and he was still finding his footing. He needed support, not complications, and I didn't want to be another source of stress for him. So I kept my feelings to myself, trying to be the friend he needed, even if it meant holding back. 

The sun finally dipped below the horizon, and the first stars began to appear in the Tokyo sky. I took a deep breath, trying to clear my mind and focus on the shoot tomorrow. But no matter how hard I tried, thoughts of Charles kept creeping back in. 

I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if I took the risk, if I let him know how I really felt. Would it change things between us? Would it make things harder for him? I looked at the photo of the sunset on my phone one last time before locking the screen. Maybe he wasn't ready, or maybe I was just overthinking everything. But one thing was clear: I missed him.

He did initiate wanting to have dinner together, but I couldn't tell if it was just as friends or not. I usually never had trouble reading the intentions of a man but Charles blurred my vision. Something so pure and wholesome about him and his approach. 

 I slipped my phone into my pocket and turned to go back inside, the cool evening breeze brushing against my skin. Tomorrow was a new day, and who knew what it would bring? For now, I'd hold onto the connection we had, even if it stayed just as it was, a friendship that meant more to me than I could put into words.

As I walked back into my hotel room, closing the balcony door behind me, I couldn't shake the feeling that had been growing inside me for the past few weeks. It was hard to explain, almost impossible to put into words, but I felt... connected to Charles. 

Yet, there was something more, something deeper that I couldn't ignore. It was like an invisible thread tied us together, pulling me toward him in ways that felt both exciting and terrifying. Every time we talked, whether it was about his struggles or my work, I felt a sense of understanding between us, a comfort that I couldn't explain. 

I knew about his fears, his doubts, his hesitations, especially after what he had been through last season. And even though he rarely let his guard down completely, when he did, it was like I could see the real Charles, the one who was still finding his way, still healing. In those moments, something stirred in me. It was more than just sympathy for what he had gone through, more than just admiration for the person he was. It was as if I recognized him on a level that went beyond logic or reason, like our souls had brushed past each other before, in another life or another time. 

I couldn't explain it, and I didn't try to. All I knew was that being around Charles felt...right, even when we were apart. I sat down on the edge of the bed, running my fingers through my hair, trying to make sense of these feelings. Could I really feel this connected to someone I hadn't known for long? It seemed absurd, but at the same time, it felt real. 

What was this connection, and why did it feel so powerful? Maybe it was because I saw parts of myself in him. His vulnerability, his drive, his quiet strength even when the world seemed too heavy to bear. It wasn't that I wanted to fix him or save him, Charles didn't need saving. But I wanted to be there for him, to be someone he could lean on when things got hard. 

And in return, I found myself wanting to share more of myself with him, to let him see the parts of me that I hardly showed others. But with every pull toward him, there was the constant reminder to tread carefully. He was still healing, still working through his demons. 

I lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, my heart heavy with the uncertainty of it all. Maybe it was all in my head, this soul connection I felt. Maybe I was just romanticizing things because I had gotten too close too quickly. But even as I tried to convince myself of that, the feeling remained. Strong, undeniable, and constant. No matter how much I tried to rationalize it, my heart kept circling back to him. 


As I closed my eyes, I thought about how sunsets always marked the end of one day but also the quiet promise of a new beginning, just like this connection with Charles, a start of something new, waiting to unfold.

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Author's Note: We're moving faster from here, next chapter we'll see our fave duo meet up again....maybe??? or not?? ❤️  

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