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• The next morning, Jobe wakes them up with freshly brewed coffee, filling the kitchen with its rich aroma.

Jobe: "Rise and shine, sleepyheads! Coffee's ready."

Crystal stretches, rubbing her eyes sleepily as Jude joins her at the kitchen counter.

Jude: "Thanks, Jobe. You're a lifesaver."

They sip their coffee, planning the day ahead.

• Lake Trip
: Excited about the sunny weather, they pack their lake essentials and head to the shore. Crystal and Dalia chat animatedly while Jude and Jobe playfully argue about who can build the better sandcastle.

Jobe (laughing): "Come on, Jude, I'll show you how it's done!"

Crystal and Dalia laugh, enjoying the friendly competition as they soak up the sun and splash in the waves.

Crystal (to Dalia): "Isn't the water perfect today? I wish we could stay here forever."

Dalia (grinning): "I know, right? And these two," gesturing towards Jude and Jobe, "are like big kids with their sandcastles."

Jude (pretending to be offended): "Hey now, building sandcastles is an art!"

Jobe (mock serious): "Absolutely. It's all about the architecture."

They continue bantering and splashing around, creating memories in the sun-drenched afternoon.

Crystal (playfully splashing Jude): "Watch out, Mr. Sandcastle Architect, you're about to get soaked!"

Jude laughs, scooping up a handful of sand in retaliation.

Jude: "You asked for it!"

Jobe and Dalia join in the playful water fight, the lake echoing with their laughter and joyful shouts.

After their fun-filled day at the beach, they head back, sun-kissed and smiling, already planning their next adventure together.

• Visit to Crystal's Home: Later in the afternoon, they drive to Crystal's home. Jude joins Trent in his room for a quick round of video games while Crystal packs her suitcase.

Trent (excitedly): "Alright, Jude, you're going down this time!"

Jude (grinning): "We'll see about that, buddy. Let's do this!"

They immerse themselves in the game, with Trent showing off his skills and Jude putting up a good fight.

Trent (laughing): "Ha! Victory is mine!"

Jude (playfully): "Beginner's luck, Trent. Rematch?"

Crystal finishes packing with a smile, watching them bond over their gaming session.

Crystal: "Boys will be boys, huh?"

Trent (looking at Crystal): "Thanks for hanging out with us, Crystal. It's been fun."

Crystal (smiling): "Of course, Trent. I'm glad we got to spend some time together before I leave."

They head downstairs to join Crystal's family for dinner, where they share stories of their day and enjoy a meal filled with warmth and laughter.

After lunch, Crystal hugs her family tightly, feeling a mix of excitement and nostalgia as she prepares to return to Spain.

Crystal: "Thanks for everything, Mom. Trent, keep practicing those soccer moves. I'll miss you guys."
Susannah and Trent exchange knowing glances, proud and slightly emotional to see Crystal embark on her next adventure.

CRYSTAL CLEAR-Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now