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Crystal smiled, feeling grateful to have Jude by her side through every moment, both big and small. As she joined the celebration backstage with the designers and fellow models, she knew that this evening marked not just a successful show, but a memorable step forward in their journey together in Madrid

As Crystal went on the stage,Jude whispered to the boys that she is the one who he fell in love with.

Camavinga: "Jude, she's amazing. You're a lucky guy."

Vinicius Jr. nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely. You two make a great couple"

As the runway finished, Crystal was pulled on the side to do smoe interviews.
During an interview, a reporter subtly probed into Crystal's personal life, specifically about her rumored relationship with football star Jude Bellingham.

Reporter: "Crystal, there have been rumors about you and Jude Bellingham. Can you comment on your relationship?"

Crystal maintained a composed demeanor, choosing her words carefully.

Crystal: "Jude is an incredibly talented athlete, and I admire his dedication to his sport. As for our personal lives, I prefer to keep those details private."

Reporter: "Fans are curious about how you balance your career with supporting Jude's endeavors. How do you manage that?"

Crystal smiled warmly, shifting the focus away from personal specifics.

Crystal: "Supporting loved ones is important to me, and Jude and I both prioritize our careers while respecting each other's ambitions. It's a balance we've found that works for us."

Reporter: "You've been seen attending several of Jude's games. What draws you to the football world?"

Crystal nodded thoughtfully, keeping her responses vague yet respectful of their shared experiences.

Crystal: "Football is a passionate sport, and being able to witness the dedication and teamwork firsthand is inspiring. I enjoy cheering . My brother had a big influence on it.

Reporter: "What's next for Crystal in Madrid? Any upcoming projects you're excited about?"

Crystal's eyes brightened as she redirected the conversation to her professional endeavors.

Crystal: "Madrid is a hub of creativity, and I'm thrilled to explore opportunities in the fashion industry here. I have some exciting projects in the works that I can't wait to share."

The interviewer nodded, sensing Crystal's preference for discussing her career achievements rather than personal relationships. They moved on to discuss her fashion inspirations and aspirations, respecting her boundary regarding private matters.

In this revised version, Crystal skillfully navigates the interview while maintaining her desired level of privacy about her relationship with Jude, focusing instead on her career and professional aspirations in Madrid.

Interview are done, Crystal went to see Jude. As she was coming near them she was more and more exited. She huged all of them. Having a small talk, and introducing with everyone.

Vinu:"you were great"


Jude:"I think we should go, the cameras are going crazy"

Cama:" it was nice meeting you Crystal"

Rodry:"yeah Im sad we had nkt have mkre time"

Crystal:"then come to our place"


Cama:"sounds good to me"


They all go to the couoples apartmen.

After a successful fashion show, Crystal and Jude returned home, still buzzing with excitement from the evening's events. They bring familiar faces with them - Camavinga, Vinicius Jr., and Rodrygo, Jude's new teammates from Real Madrid

Jude: "Come on in, guys. Let's celebrate!"

They entered the cozy apartment, filled with laughter and camaraderie. Jude quickly fetched drinks for everyone while Crystal prepared snacks, feeling grateful for the impromptu gathering.

Vinicius Jr.: "That dress was stunning, Crystal. You looked like a queen out there."

Crystal blushed, genuinely touched by their compliments.

Crystal: "Thank you, Vini! It was such a thrill to walk the runway."

Crystal: "I'm so glad it came across well. It was nerve-wracking, but worth it."

Camavinga: "You nailed it. And Jude was right there with us, cheering you on."

Jude:"whoaah boys, didn't l tell you that she is MY girlfried"

Crystal:"yeah boys chill out"
She said sarcastycly

Jude grinned proudly, handing out drinks and joining the conversation.

Jude: "Couldn't be prouder of her. You guys made her night by being here."

They settled into a cozy corner of the living room, enjoying each other's company as they discussed football, Madrid, and plans for the upcoming season. The atmosphere was relaxed and filled with laughter, a welcome break from their busy schedules.

Crystal: "So, what's next for you guys? Any big matches coming up?"

Camavinga: "We've got a friendly match next week to kick things off. It's going to be intense."

Vinicius Jr.: "And when Jude here joins he is going to crush it, as always."

Jude laughed modestly, raising his glass in a toast.

Crystal:"wwhens your debute again Jude? I forgot"


Crystal:" well 8 more days till Real Madrid gets a Star boy"

Jude: "To new adventures and great company. Cheers!"

They clinked glasses, savoring the moment of camaraderie and friendship. The evening continued with shared stories, jokes, and plans for future hangouts in Madrid

As the night wound down, Crystal leaned against Jude, feeling a deep sense of contentment and gratitude for the bonds they were forming in their new home.

Crystal: "Thank you for bringing them over, Jude. Tonight has been wonderful."

Jude: "Anytime, Peach. They're family now, just like you."

Crystal smiled, feeling the warmth of his words as they embraced the joy of this new chapter together in Spain, surrounded by friends who had quickly become like family.

Rodrygo: "Modeling goes so smothly to you Crystal, hiw you do it dude."

Crystal chuckled, passing around bowls of popcorn. "Thanks, Rodrygo. Maybe I'll give football a try next."

Jude grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "That I'd like to see."

After some time the Real Madrid players left, leaving just Jude and Crystal coudling in the bed

A/N: idk when the next chalter will be, this or the next night but stayed tunned it willl happen I swear.

My first book is ciming to an end.

So pls vote.

May Gid bless you💕🌺

CRYSTAL CLEAR-Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now