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Preparations for Denise, Mark, and Jude's brother, Jobe:

Crystal woke up with a mix of excitement and nervous energy, butterflies dancing in her stomach like they hadn't in months. She tiptoed around the kitchen, careful not to wake Jude, who slept peacefully after a week of unpacking and setting up their new home.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as Crystal arranged a breakfast spread fit for a welcoming committee.

Jude shuffled into the kitchen, his hair tousled from sleep, a sleepy smile playing on his lips. Crystal handed him a cup of coffee, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

"Morning, sleepyhead. Ready for today?"

Jude took a deep sip of his coffee, the warmth spreading through him.

"Absolutely. I can't wait to see their faces when they walk into our home."

They sat at the kitchen table, savoring their quiet morning ritual amid the buzz of excitement. Crystal couldn't help but steal glances at Jude, her heart swelling with love for the man who had turned her world upside down in the best possible way.

After breakfast, they prepared the guest rooms with fresh linens and thoughtful touches-a vase of wildflowers from the market, a stack of books on the nightstand that Jude knew his father loved, and a framed photograph of Crystal and Jude smiling under the Madrid sunset.

The morning sun streamed through the windows as they loaded into the car, driving to the airport with a mixture of nerves and eagerness. Crystal's mind raced with thoughts of first impressions and making sure everything was perfect. Jude, sensing her nervousness, reached over and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

At the airport, they waited eagerly by the arrivals gate, scanning the crowd for Denise, Mark, and Jobe. Crystal stood on tiptoe, her heart skipping a beat when she finally spotted them. Denise's infectious smile lit up the entire terminal as they made their way toward Crystal and Jude.

"Hola, mi familia!"
Denise exclaimed, enveloping them both in a warm hug. Mark and Jobe followed suit, laughter and chatter filling the air as they exchanged greetings and caught up on the flight.

Back at the villa, Crystal gave them the grand tour.
Jobe, ever the explorer, bounded down the stairs to the backyard, calling for Jude to join him for a game of soccer. Jude grinned, glancing at Crystal.

"Looks like I'm being challenged. You coming, love?"

Crystal laughed, shaking her head.
"I think I'll leave the football to you two. I'll make some snacks."

Crystal watched them from the kitchen, heart swelling with gratitude for these moments of togetherness. She leaned against the counter, stealing glances at Jude and Jobe's playful banter, feeling a sense of belonging she hadn't known since childhood.

Denise joined her, a knowing smile on her face.
"You've made this place feel like home already, Crystal."

Crystal blushed, overwhelmed by Denise's kindness.
"Thank you, Denise. I wanted everything to be perfect for your visit."

Denise hugged her warmly.
"It already is. We're just happy to be here with you both."

As the afternoon stretched on, they settled into easy conversation, sharing stories and laughter over a late lunch. Crystal found herself relaxing, her worries melting away in the comfort of family and newfound bonds.

Their day unfolded with laughter, stories, and the warmth of new memories being made in their carefully crafted home. Crystal couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and fulfillment, knowing that this was just the beginning of their journey together in Madrid.

CRYSTAL CLEAR-Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now