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Morning After: Jude and Crystal Snuggling in Bed

Crystal stirred in Jude's arms, slowly waking up to the soft light filtering through the curtains. She turned to face him, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on his chest.

Crystal: "Morning, Judey."

Jude: "Morning, beautiful.

He got closer to my neck
"Last night feels like a dream."

Crystal nestled closer, resting her head on his shoulder.

Crystal: "It was perfect. I'm so happy to be here with you."

Jude pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Jude: "Me too. Can we just stay like this forever?"

Crystal:"l would never consider you the clingy boyfriend type"

Jude:"Hey you are the one who flew from Spain to be hete with me"

Crystal rolled her eyes.
They lingered in each other's embrace, exchanging sweet nothings until they decided to start their day.

In the bathroom, Jude and Crystal stood side by side in front of the sink, brushing their teeth.

Crystal (playfully): "Your toothpaste tastes weird."

Jude (grinning): "Blame it on my brother. He always buys the weirdest flavors."

Crystal laughed, spitting out the foam.

Crystal: "At least it makes for an interesting morning."

Jude rinsed his mouth, then leaned in closer.

Jude: "Everything's more fun when you're around."

Crystal:"Your so crige"


In the kitchen, flour scattered across the countertops as Jude and Crystal bustled about, each wearing matching aprons. They were making pancakes!

Crystal (giggling): "I think I've got more flour on me than in the bowl!"

Jude (grinning): "It's part of the charm. Besides, cooking is always an adventure."

Crystal flipped a pancake expertly, earning a proud grin from Jude.

Crystal: "I'm getting the hang of this!"

Jude: "You're a natural. Who knew we'd make such a great pancake duo?"

Crystal (teasingly): "As long as we don't burn the kitchen down, I think we're doing fine."

Jude chuckled, pouring another ladle of batter onto the sizzling skillet.

Jude: "I can handle the flipping if you keep making sure I don't get flour everywhere."

Crystal nodded, leaning in to steal a quick kiss.

Crystal: "Deal. Pancakes and kisses—best way to start the day."

They continued working side by side, laughter and the smell of pancakes filling the air, creating memories as they cooked together with love and laughter.

Sitting at the table, Jude and Crystal savored their pancakes, both dressed in aprons speckled with flour.

Crystal (with a mouthful): "These are amazing. Even with our messy cooking skills."

Jude (grinning): "They taste better because we made them together."

They laughed together, enjoying their morning feast and each other's company.

CRYSTAL CLEAR-Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now