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Upon arriving in Spain, Crystal and Jude settled into her cozy apartment overlooking the bustling streets of Madrid. The warm Mediterranean sun streamed through the windows as they unpacked their belongings, reminiscing about the journey and the adventures ahead.

Crystal: "I can't believe we're finally here, Jude. It feels surreal."

Jude smiled, placing their suitcase by the bed. "I know, right? It's like a dream come true."

Crystal nodded, tapping on the  map icon on her phone.

Crystal: "Let's explore after lunch. I'm starving."

They headed to a nearby café where they savored tapas and paella, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere of their new home.

After their arrival in Spain, Crystal receives a call from Jude's parents, who are eager to catch up and hear about their journey so far.

Denise: "Crystal, darling, how are you settling in? Is everything going well?"

Crystal: "Hi, Denise! Yes, everything's great here. We're loving Madrid already."

Mark: "That's wonderful to hear. How was the flight? Jude mentioned you two were excited about exploring."

Crystal: "Oh, the flight was smooth, thank you. And yes, Madrid has been amazing. We've been taking it all in."

Denise: "Have you had a chance to visit any of the sights yet?"

Crystal: "Not yet, but we're planning to explore more this weekend. The architecture here is stunning."

Crystal: "How are things back home? Is everything okay?"

Denise: "Oh, everything's fine here. Jobe misses having you around, though. He's been talking about the time you two spent together."

Crystal smiles warmly, imagining their playful moments back at home.

Crystal: "Tell Jobe I miss him too."

Mark: "And how's Jude doing? Is he settling into training?"

Crystal:"Oh here he is, love your parents ar on the phone"

Jude:"hey pops, hi mom. Whatsup"

Mark:"hows the team"

Jude: "l am loving it. The team has been very welcoming, and lm already getting into the rhythm of things."

Denise: "That's good to hear. You two make quite the pair, exploring new places and supporting each other."

Crystal feels a sense of warmth hearing Denise's words.

Crystal: "Thank you, Denise. We're really happy here. Madrid feels like a new adventure for both of us."

Mark: "We're glad to hear that, Crystal. Jude mentioned you've been busy with your own projects too. How's everything going on that front?"

Crystal: "It's exciting. I've been meeting with some local designers and exploring opportunities in the fashion scene here. There's so much creativity to be inspired by."

Denise: "That sounds wonderful, dear. You've always had such a passion for fashion. We're sure you'll do amazing things."

Crystal: "Thank you, Denise. Your support means a lot to me."

Mark: "Well, we won't keep you too long. Just wanted to check in and say hello."

Crystal: "I'm glad you called. It's nice to catch up. Give our love to everyone back home, please."

Denise: "We will, Crystal. Take care of yourselves, and keep us updated on your adventures."

Crystal: "Will do! Thanks again for calling. Talk soon."

CRYSTAL CLEAR-Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now