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It was Monday, a day of anticipation and nerves for Jude. Crystal was by his side, offering words of encouragement as he prepared for his first match with Real Madrid.

They woke up really early. Crystal went and made some breakfast for them.
Jude came down and kissed his girlfriend on the neck.

Jude:"mornin baby"


Jude sat at the table totaly distracted.
Crystal stood uo and went to hug her boyfriend from behind.
Crystal:"you are nervous, arent you?"

Jude:"shit I am"

Crystal:"it will be great , you are Jude fuckin Bellingham honey, and I am lucky enough to be your girl"
she said playfully.

He smirked.

She sat on her seat and looked him in the eyes.

Crystal:"fr now, it would be great, I will be there to cheer for you...and I always will... i promise.

Jude:"l fucking love you baby"

He leaned over and kissed her
Jude realy felt reliefed after her words.

After the early the morning, Jude headed to the Santiago Bernabéu stadium, eager to join his teammates.

In the locker room, Jude found himself amidst the buzz of pre-game rituals and camaraderie.

Jude: "Alright lads, big day today. Let's give it everything we've got out there."

Camavunga: "You nervous, mate?"

Jude: "A bit, but more excited than anything. This is what I've dreamed of."

Vini: "You've got this, mate. Just play your game."

Meanwhile, Crystal arrived at the stadium, her heart swelling with pride as she watched Jude play for his dream club. The stadium was alive with cheers and chants as Jude displayed his skills on the field. In a pivotal moment, Jude scored the winning goal, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

Crystal couldn't contain her excitement as she watched Jude's famous celebration, arms outstretched. Later, he added a "C" gesture, a tribute to Crystal. Her eyes shiwing how proud she was. She saw the cameras that were lookong at her,but that was nithing new for her. Shes a model and allready have a new shiw in 15 days.

Fifteen days later, Crystal had a major fashion show, and Jude was there to support her. Amidst the glitz and glamour, an incident of jealousy occurred when a fellow model flirted with Crystal.

During Crystal's fashion show, amidst the glittering lights and bustling backstage, a fellow model approached her with a flirtatious smile.

Model: "Hey there, beautiful. You were stunning out there."

Crystal smiled politely, sensing the underlying intention but staying professional.

Crystal: "Thank you. It was a great show, wasn't it?"

Model: "Absolutely. Say, do you have plans after this? Maybe we could grab a drink?"


Model:"its ok if you dont have an answer rn, you can have my phone number so we can chat,"

Jude: "Thanks, mate. She's taken, though."

Model: "Oh, my bad. Didn't mean anything by it."

Crystal's polite smile faltered slightly, noticing Jude watching the model guy with a furrowed brow. After the show, as they walked to their car, Jude spoke up, his voice tinged with concern.

CRYSTAL CLEAR-Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now