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Later that afternoon, they made their way to Jude's personal stylist, a stylish and charismatic woman named Elena. Her salon was chic and inviting, filled with racks of designer clothes and shelves lined with beauty products.

Crystal sat in the waiting area, admiring the decor while Jude consulted with Elena about his hairstyle and grooming for the event. She flipped through a fashion magazine, her thoughts drifting to the whirlwind of events that had brought them here, to this moment of anticipation and excitement.

Jude emerged from the styling area with a confident smile, his hair styled impeccably and a hint of cologne lingering in the air around him. Crystal stood up, her eyes widening in appreciation.

"Wow, Jude. You look amazing," she exclaimed, unable to hide her admiration.

Jude chuckled, running a hand through his styled hair.
"Thanks, love. Elena worked her magic."

Crystal playfully nudged him. "Watch out, she might steal you away from me."

Jude pulled her into a hug, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"No chance of that happening. You're stuck with me."

Elena came into the room.

Elena:"woah Jude you look hot"

Jude:"tnx I guess"

Elena:"i guess?"

Jude:"what am I suppossed to say?"

Elena:"idk myb tnx elli your cute too we should go on a dinner sometime"

Crystal:"woah there lady"

Elena:"what, shit your thogether?"

Crystal:"no shit sherlock!?"

Elena:"Im sorry I was jokimg anyway"

Crystal:"yeah sure" she mummered

Jude was in shock, but he find crystal cute when shes angry.
They tryed more options for both of them amd found tge perfect fits.

On the way back home, they settled into the car, the streets of Madrid passing by in a blur of colors and movement. Crystal glanced at Jude, her heart swelling with pride and love for the man beside her.

Crystal:"that girl"

Jude:"ignor it"

Crystal:"exuse me!?, ignor it!?"

Jude:"well wgat are you supposed to do"

Crystal:"knock her out if he touches you and talks to you like that ever again"

Jude:" peach, your the last women in the world for me, nibody metters anymore I promise"

Crystal:"I belive you"

"You know,"
she began, her voice soft with emotion,

"I never imagined we'd be here, living this life together in Madrid."

Jude reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers.

"Me neither. But I wouldn't change a thing. You've made everything better, Crystal."

They shared a quiet moment of gratitude, their hearts connected in the journey they had embarked on together. Crystal leaned her head on Jude's shoulder, soaking in the warmth and comfort of his presence.

They came home and sat with THEIR famiky now. They talked and decides to go to a family dinner.
After the dinner they went home and fell asleep.

10. The day before Jude's debut:

CRYSTAL CLEAR-Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now