Chapter 30

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In the late afternoon, Jude and Crystal woke up entwined in each other's arms, sunlight filtering through the curtains of their bedroom. They exchanged sleepy smiles, savoring a moment of peace before the day's festivities.

Crystal whispered softly,

Jude pulled her closer, brushing her hair away from her face.
"Mornin darlin"

Crystal laying on top of her boyfriend, her head on his bare chest. His muscular armns around her tinny waist.

Crystal:"Can we stay like this forever"

Jude:"I would love to but my parents are goin home today remember so it would be nice to be with them till the airport."

Crystal:"shit I forgot bout that"
She stands up and goes to the bathroom.
Jude sleepely wiggeled on the bed and went to cahnge his cloted.

Downstairs, they joined Jude's parents and his brother for a leisurely breakfast. Denise had prepared a spread of scrambled eggs, bacon, and freshly squeezed orange juice. Mark and Jobe were already deep in discussion about football tactics, while Crystal and Denise chatted animatedly about plans for the evening party.

"So, are you ready for tonight?" Denise asked, glancing at Crystal with a knowing smile.

Crystal nodded, excitement evident in her eyes. "Absolutely. It's going to be unforgettable."

Denise:" try not to break somethjng in your new home, you heard me Jude"

Crystal:"oh thrust me they wont"

They all laughed at her

After breakfast, Jude and Crystal headed into town to gather all the necessary supplies for the evening's festivities. They wandered through quaint shops, picking out decorations, snacks, and last-minute essentials, enjoying the relaxed pace and each other's company.

"You think we have everything?" Jude asked, glancing over the list one last time.

Crystal nodded, linking her arm through his. "I think we're all set. Let's make tonight perfect."

As they were turning back the paparazzi followed them, but they just ignored them

Later in the afternoon, it was time for Jude's family to head back to England. At the airport, emotions ran high as hugs were exchanged, and promises to visit soon were made. Crystal and Jude waved until the plane disappeared into the clouds, feeling a mix of nostalgia and excitement for the upcoming celebrations.

"Safe travels," Crystal said, squeezing Denise's hand.

Mark nodded, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you for everything. We'll see you soon."

Back at their villa, Jude and Crystal busied themselves preparing for the barbecue followed by the party. They set up tables, arranged fairy lights, and ensured everything was perfect for the night ahead. Crystal couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves and excitement, knowing that soon their home would be filled with friends, teammates, and loved ones.

"You nervous?" Jude asked, brushing a strand of hair from Crystal's face.

"A little," she admitted, smiling up at him. "But mostly excited. This is going to be amazing."

• As the barbecue got underway, the atmosphere was lively and relaxed. The smell of grilled meats filled the air as guests mingled around the garden, sipping drinks and enjoying the warm evening. Jude, with a spatula in hand, expertly flipped burgers and sausages on the grill while Crystal circulated among the guests, ensuring everyone had a drink and was comfortable.

CRYSTAL CLEAR-Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now