StepBrothers Prologue

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I'm re-uploading this story if you guys give more negative comments I'm blocking you this was one of my first stories I ever wrote on here so that's why it sucks. So do me a favor leave your negativity and drama for your mama okay. Thank you.

~Heaven on the side


I heard my parents fighting once again over something.

They have been like this for months. Every time something happens they fight. I'm scared of what would happen. No thirteen year old wants her parents fighting all the time.

"Darren I'm sick and tired of this". I heard my mom yelling.

I quietly opened my door so that I could hear. But I couldn't so I went to the banister. I could see them arguing in the living room.

"No Faith what I'm tired of is being here with you. I rather just go with my assistant and our child".

My mom slapped my dad. I've never seen her so angry before. I could tell she was trying to not cry.


Tears started to fall from my eyes. My dad has been cheating on my mom. And has another kid.

My parents must have heard me cause they looked up at me.

"Heaven". My mom whispered.

I got up from off the floor and ran to my room. I shut my door and fell on my bed and cried.

Soon the door opened.

"Sweetie. I'm so sorry you had to hear that". My mom said. Her voice was now calming.

I felt my bed dip down on both sides of me.

"Baby girl I'm sorry". I heard my dads voice.

I looked up and he was right there. I didn't even want to look at him. After what he did to my mom.

"I'm sor-". I moved away from him and into my mother arms. She held me while I cried.

"I'll just go". I heard my dad say after he sighed.

"Yeah why don't you". My mom spat at him. I could hear the hatred from her voice. She had enough.

-3 years later.

"I do".

I groaned when I heard my mom say that. My little sister nudged my leg.

My mom has gotten re married and its not that I didn't want her happy again. I just didn't want another horrible father figure.

"Heaven aren't you happy for mommy". My little sister Hope said.

"I guess". I shrugged.

A year after my parents got a divorce my mo started dating this guy named Ryan and I guess he's a good guy but now he's my step dad.

And I also found out he has two sons on is sixteen like me and the other is seventeen.

I won't meet them until we all move in together. To be honest I don't know why they weren't at the wedding but who am I kidding. I don't want to be here either.

When my dad left he went straight with his new family they have been married for two years. I don't see him because I don't want to see him.

My sister loves seeing my dad and his daughter Olivia. But his wife. Ugh don't even get me started she's the biggest bitch in the world.

"Come on Heaven". My sister pulled my hand as we walked up the aisle.

Hopefully my stepbrothers aren't assholes.


This is my new interracial story and it would be amazing if you guys read and vote and also comment. It would mean a lot to me. Plus I'll be updating this story almost everyday.

Please do this for me guys it would be a lot.


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