Chapter 17

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So i got dressed and looked at the clock. Its almost time for whatever he's doing. I sat on my bed thinking if i should even go.

I mean he's going through so much to be with me even if it means getting caught. I shook the feelings out of my body and decided to just go through with it.

My door opened and Kyle walked in looking pretty good. He smiled at me.

"Wow you look beautiful".

I blushed and looked away. "Thank you".

"So my dad will distract your mom while we are gone".

I raised my eyebrow. "He knows what your doing".

"Yeah". He scratched the back of his neck. "He kinda knows everything that happens and he's all for it. He wants me to make it right".

I sighed.

"You ready".

I nodded my head. "Yeah im ready".

We quietly walked out of my room and down the stairs. We got out the house and got in the car and left.

I had no idea where he was taking me.

"Can i have a hint"? I finally said after ten minutes of silence.

"No. Just wait. I promise you will like it. Well i hope you like it".

We parked at an open field and in the distance i could see candle light. Kyle came over and opened my door and helped me out.

He grabbed my hand and led me closer to the candle light. Soon i could see a table with candles on it. He pulled out my chair and a sat down and he sat in front of me.

"Kyle you didnt have to do this".

"No i did. I really did. What i did to you was horrible and im sorry baby. You deserve more than just a candle light dinner".

"Its beautiful just like you baby".

I couldnt help but blush at his compliment.

We ended up talking until midnight and we realized we had school tomorrow. He grabbed my hand and looked at me. "Heaven can you ever forgive me for what i did".

I smiled. "I already did but i wanted to see what you were planning and its so peaceful out here".

He smiled and got up from his chair and kneeled in front of me. "Baby can you please give me a second chance".

I nodded and he smiled. He got up and kissed me. "Damn i missed you so much".

I bit my lip and smiled at him.

"Dont look at me like that. You know what that does to me".

"We better go before we get into trouble".

I looked at my phone and it was 11:30 our curfew was 10 on a school night if we get in trouble my mom will chew my ass out.

He grabbed my hand and we went to the car and he drove us home.

The lights were off meaning everyone was sleep. I sighed in relief meaning everything will be fine.

We got out of the car and we quietly walked in the house. It was dark and i couldnt see a thing.

"So did you guys really think i wouldnt find out".

We both stopped and turned to see my mothers shadow in the kitchen. She turned on the kitchen light and i was just thinking about how she's going to kill us.

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