Chapter 1

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~Kyle and Eric on the side (I changed the characters cause y'all were really annoying about who I picked)


I was riding in the front seat while my mom drove me to the new house. We moved from Maryland to Texas.

I have to go to a new school in the middle of the school year. Well it's the end of September but still.

"Come on Heaven cheer up this will be good for all of us".

I rolled my eyes. "Mom how come he couldn't move to where we were"?

"His job pays a whole lot more then mine ever did. And it would be easier for us to move then have them move and then have Ryan go back and forth".

My mom has been wanting to move for ever and we finally do cause of her new husband.

"Heaven please just be nice to Ryan and his sons. They are really good guys".

"You mean like Taylor". I said talking about my dads wife.

My mom tightened the wheel.

"Now you know I don't like that little girl and they way she treats you guys. Ryan isn't even close to her he is very sweet but if he is rude to you in anyway let me know I'll handle it".

One thing I love about my mom she will protect me and Hope from any and everyone.

We pulled up to a nice two story house. It was actually pretty big compared to my old house.

"Mommy the house is huuuuge". Hope said

My mom laughed. "It is big isn't it".

"Yes it is mommy".

There was two moving trucks.

"So Ryan bought this house"?

"Yes he and the boys should be here in a few minutes. If I were you I would pick out your bedroom before they get here". She looked over and smiled at me.

She was right I did want a nice room.

"Just don't get the room near the master room. It's on the left of the stairs upstairs. I want Hope to have that room".

I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Trust me I don't want that room".

I got out of the car and walked to the front door. I turned the knob but it was locked.

"Mom I need the key". I yelled turning around.

She got out of the car.

"Oh right". She laughed probably feeling stupid that she forgot.

She threw her keys at me and luckily I caught them.

I found the right key and unlocked the door. Opening the door it was actually a pretty nice house. It looked big but I guess it's cause there's no furniture in the house.

I walked up the stairs and I could go either left or right and I went right because mom said her room would be on the left side.

I found a bathroom and cross from the bathroom and there was a room beside it. It was a nice room. Across from that was another room.

It was a little bigger but then I walked to the last room and I decided that this was going to be my room.

I dropped my purse claiming this room.

"Heaven"! My little sister ran into my room.

"Yes Hope"?

"Mommy said come down Ryan is here".

She grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs. And outside the door.

I saw Ryan but also saw two sexy white guys. They are amazing to look at. I guess they are my stepbrothers.

Hope pulled me over to them.

"Hello Heaven". Ryan smiled at me reaching for a hug.

I moved back a little and my mom pushed me.

I looked back and she was mean mugging the hell out of me. I put on a fake smile and hugged him.

"Hi Ryan".

I moved back from him and near my mom.

"Heaven these are my sons Kyle he's 17 and Eric he's 16".

"Hi". I said shyly.

They chuckled and said hi back.

"Faith I hope you don't mind but I have men helping move things in so you and the girls don't have to do anything".

"Oh I'm fine with that". I said

"That's nice of you Ryan". My mom said.

She hugged him and kissed him.

"Ugh mom please stop".

"Yeah guys I front of the children come on now". Kyle said.

I liked Kyle he was fine piece of white chocolate. I guess he noticed me stare because he smirked and licked his lips.

I looked away embarrassed blushing really hard.

"Um I already picked out my room and it's the last one on the right side I said".

"Oh no you can't have that room sweetheart. I already claimed that room". Kyle said.

"Man doesn't that suck for you. I got here first it's mine".

"You want to bet princess". He got in my face.

"Kyle let her have the room. You will be graduating this year and leaving for college so you won't really need the room son". Ryan said.

"Alright she can have the room". He smiled but it was a kinda creepy smile.

"Boys lets start unloading and Faith you can take Hope and Heaven and admit them to school for Monday". Ryan said.

I groaned. Why is he talking about school?

"Oh that's a good idea. Come on girls".

"I forgot your keys upstairs". I said to my mom.

"We'll go get them". She laughed.

I ran into the house and upstairs to my room and grabbed my purse I dropped on the floor.

"Nice ass".

I jumped and turned around and saw Eric. He smirked at me.

"You really trying to be a pervert already". I rolled my eyes trying to pass him but he blocked me and grabbed my waist. Breathing down my neck.

"Man I'm so happy I have you as a stepsister. Man my brother and I will have a great time with you".

His husky voice made me go weak a little. He chuckled.

"I can tell you will be fun and hopefully I end up with you all to myself".

He kissed my neck. Making me moan a little.

"You should get going your mother is waiting". He mumbled against my neck.

I nodded. And quickly walked out and down the stairs and out the door and gave my mother the keys.

I looked at Eric who came out of the house with a huge smirk on his face.

What just happened?


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