Chapter 9

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2 weeks later


The homecoming game is in about a week and Justine wants me to go.

I really am not feeling it. Why do I have to go to the game?

"So are you going to the homecoming party"? Justine ask

"Why do you want me to go"?

"It will be fun come on Heaven".

I shook my head. "No I'd rather wait till prom".

She sighed and laid on my bed. "Fine but we should do something that night".

"Alright I'm fine with that".

"So what's going on with you and Kyle are you guys together or not".

"No we aren't together". I laid beside her.

She huffed. "Why not you two have been doing sexual things for almost a month now and you two aren't together. You guys make a cute couple".

I shrugged. "Maybe he isn't ready to date yet. I don't know but I'm not going to rush him".

"Take your clothes off I'll be back".

I gave her a confused look.

"Just do it".

She groaned and got up from my bed and walked out. What is with her and walking out?

I took my clothes off and laid in bed.


I'm tired of those two not being together. They make such a cute couple. Who cares if they are step siblings. They aren't blood.

I walked into Kyle's room and he was jerking off.

"Damn Justine don't you knock". He looked up.

I rolled my eyes.

"You know if you were with Heaven you wouldn't have to worry about that". I pointed to his hard dick.

He covered his dick and glared at me.

"What do you want Justine"?

"Get you and Heaven together come on what's wrong with you. Why won't you two date"?

"She's not ready". He sighed.

"She wants you trust me".

"I like her but I'm not wanting to have her in public people making fun of her cause she's with her stepbrother".

"Ain't nothing wrong with dating your stepbrother. You aren't blood".

He lifted himself up. Adjusting his self.

"Go in there and make love to her. Take her virginity. She's waiting for you".

"What do you mean waiting"?

"Just go. I'll be in Eric's room".

I walked out of his room and across the hall to Eric's room. He was laying down watching tv.

"Hey babe". I smiled and laid beside him.

"May I help you". He smiled back.

"Nothing just Kyle and Heaven are about to have sex for the first time".

He looked at me shocked then he just smiled. "Well while they have sex imma bend your ass over. Come here girl".

He pulled me on top of him and kissed me.

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