Chapter 5

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I took the garlic bread out of the oven and put it on the stove. Just as I turned the oven off the doorbell rung.

I put the oven mitt on the counter and went to the door.

I opened it and Justine was there with a bag in her hand.

"Hey girl come in". I smiled while letting her in.

"It smells good in here".

"I just finished dinner". I said closing the door.

We walked in the kitchen.

"Ooh spaghetti. I want some".

"After my sister eats".

She put the stuff on the counter.

I walked to the bottom of the stairs. "Guys come down and eat. And Hope don't forget to wash your hands".

I walked back to the kitchen and put spaghetti in a small bowl and garlic bread on a napkin and put it on the table.

"Justine you can get a bowl of spaghetti now".

"Good I'm starving. I'm tired of frozen dinners and fast food".

She got a bowl out of the cabinet.

"You don't cook"?

"No I don't know how and my mom is never home".

"Well you can come here anytime your lonely. Or I'll come over your house".

"I like that".

I grabbed a fork for Hope and placed it on the table.

"My future baby mama. How you doing"?

Eric walked over to Justine. And kissed her cheek. She turned her head and smiled a little.

"You guys would make a cute couple even though some one is a sex freak". I looked at Eric and he smirked.

"Shut up Heaven". Justine said smiling.

"Or maybe you both are". I smiled

Hope came running in with Kyle right behind her.

"Hey Justine". Kyle said

"Umm". She looked confused.

"My brother talks about you since yesterday and your the only friend Heaven has". He said looking at me.

The way he said only meant I really needed to stay away from Michael.

"I'm Kyle his older brother". He extended his hand and she shook it.

"And this is our little sister Hope. Say hi to Justine Hope". I said.


"Your food is there on the table".

"Thank you Heaven". She walked to her chair sat down and began to eat.

"You didn't make me a plate that's messed up Heaven". Kyle said trying to act hurt.

"You have two hands get it yourself". I stuck my tongue out at him.

He laughed and got himself a bowl.

"Justine will be sleeping over just so you guys know".

"Cool I like that. I need to get use to having my wife in the same house as me".

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Your so corny Eric".

Justine started to laugh.

"Shut up". Eric glared at me and stuck up his middle finger. Making me laugh harder.

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