Chapter 4

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I was scared to get home. After we picked up my sister from school we went straight home.

Hope got out the car and Eric followed her. And I got out of the car and was about to walk towards the house but Kyle grabbed my wrist.

"I want you to go straight to your room and put on something comfy and wait for me".

I nodded and walked to the house and did exactly what he said.

I put on some shorts and a shirt.

To be honest I was both nervous but excited to see what my punishment is.

Kyle walked in with just sweatpants on and sat on my bed.

"Lay yourself across my legs".

I did exactly what he said.

"Now baby I told you I didn't want you talking to anyone and you didn't listen. I will start slow because after you telling me about your dad I won't do anything sexual until your ready. Now if it's too much the code word is Blue got it".

I nodded.

"I don't hear you. I said do you go it".


I felt him place his hand my my butt and rubbed it.

"Each time I spank you I want you to count".


First smack caught me off guard.

"One". I mumbled.

"I don't hear you Heaven".

"One I said louder".

Again he hit my butt.


My pain was also pleasure at the same time. I could feel myself getting wet.

It went on until he got to ten.

I sat up and he made me sit on his lap.

"Baby next time I see you talking to Michael it will be way worse. You hear me"?

"Yes". I gulped.

"He isn't a good guy and I seriously don't want to beat his ass for taking what's mine and just being a douche all together".

"What's so bad about him"?

"He just uses girls for sex then leaves so you better stay away from him".


He grabbed my face.

"You are mine Heaven and I am also yours".

The butterflies in my stomach just made me more nervous.

He placed a light kiss on my lips and I swear the world stopped for a second.

"Say your mine baby".

"I'm yours Kyle".

He smiled and placed me on the bed.

My butt was on fire. After that horrible but pleasurable pain.  I laid on my stomach and I felt a smack on my butt again.

"Ow Kyle". I looked at him. And he was just laughing.

"Just to show you that ass is mine". And he walked out of my room.

My phone beeped and I got off my bed and went to my purse on the floor near my door.

I picked up my purse and looked through it until I found my phone.

~From Mom

Ryan and I are going to be coming home late. Please feed Hope dinner and give her a bath and I'll be home hopefully to tuck her in.

What are they possibly doing that makes them late today. My mom doesn't have a job yet and I don't really care for Ryan.

I dropped my purse on the ground and walked out of my room.

"Would you like tea or coffee"? I heard Hope ask down the hall.

I walked to her room and saw Kyle and Eric playing tea party with her. First I had to take a picture of this.

"What are you guys doing"? I had a huge smile on my face.

Eric glared at me and mouthed shut up.

"They playing tea party with me. You want to play Heaven"?

"No I have to make dinner. What do you want Hope"?

"Spaghetti and garlic bread please". She smiled wide.


"I'll help you". Eric said

"Noooo please stay". Hope whined and had her pouty face.

"Yeah Eric stay with her and play. I can cook myself". I smiled and walked out of Hope's room.

I walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. I decided to call Justine.

"Hey boo". She greeted.

"Hey you wanna come over spend the night"?

"Sure. I hate staying in an empty house all the time".

"Where your parents"?

"My mom is in London and my dad is in jail".

"You better bring your ass here girl".

She laughed. "Okay send me your address and I'll be there soon".

"Alright and bring some chips and dip".

"I got you".

"Bye babes".

"Bye boo".

We hung up and I sent her my address and started to make dinner.


I know it's kinda short but I wanted to give you guys a chapter. Sorry it's boring.

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