Chapter 12

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~Ryan on the side


We all had to go back to school and I wasn't really happy about it. I rather just watch movies and cuddle with Kyle.

"Babe get up and get ready we have to take Hope to school since your mom started work".

I groaned and looked at Kyle laying next to me smiling like a fool. He is a sexy fool though.

"Come on let's shower together".

I shook my head. "Now you know that we won't be showering. It will get dirty before it will get clean".

He laughed.  "True. You can shower and ill use the other bathroom".

I groaned and covered my face with a pillow.

I felt a slap on my leg.

"Ouch". I said muffled under the pillow.

"Baby get up and take a shower. You have about an hour until we leave".

I moved my pillow and saw him smiling. I rolled my eyes and got up. 

I rubbed my eyes still tired.

Kyle walked out of my room and I got up out of bed and went to check on my sister.

She was in her room watching Paw Patrol.

"Heaven"! She smiled.

"Hey Hope. I'll come back to get you after I get ready and we can eat breakfast".

"Mommy already made me breakfast before she left".

"Oh she did".

Hope nodded. "Well I'll be back".

"Okay". And she went back to watching her show.

I walked in the bathroom and went and took a shower. After I got out once again I forgot my towel.

I shrugged. I guess I'll air dry.

I brushed my teeth then put my hair in a ponytail. I really didn't feel like doing anything to it.

I opened the door and looked out nobody was there. So I ran in my room and got dressed. I wore jeans and a nice shirt that said 'Act Like A Lady Think Like A Boss'.

Then I put on my sandals. And grabbed my bookbag and purse and went to Hope's room.

She was still watching tv.

"Hope get your bookbag and lets go downstairs".

I walked in her room and grabbed her remote and turned off her tv while she went to get her bookbag on the floor beside her door.

"You have everything"? I asked and she just nodded.

We walked downstairs and I went to the kitchen. Hoping my mom made her lunch.

I opened the fridge and her Barbie lunchbox was in there. I smiled to myself cause I know I didn't want to make it.

I grabbed it and handed it to her

"Put that in your bookbag. Don't want it getting lost or left in the car again".

She pouted. "That was one time Heaven". She whined and put it in her bookbag.

We sat on the couch and watched tv until the boys came downstairs.

"Took you long enough". I said rolling my eyes.

"It takes time to look this good". Eric said putting on his SnapBack.

"Yeah whatever lets go".

School was boring as always and I just was happy it was over. Eric left with Justine. They went to get ice cream and Kyle and I went to pick up Hope.

We were in the car he was holding my hand.

"Finally I get you alone".

"We are always alone".

"Princess it's hard not seeing you in school since we are in two different grades. I missed your pretty face".

I blushed. "That's sweet".

He bought my hand to his mouth and kissed it.

"Can't wait to get you home and tear that pussy up".

I gasped. "Kyle the language". I laughed and so did he.

"I'm just being honest babe".

We picked up Hope and got her home. I made her a snack and played tea party with her and this girl loves to talk. And I was tired. I have homework to do.

After all the playing with Hope I went to my room and got my stuff out of my bookbag and laid on my bed and started doing my English homework.

"Baby". Kyle burst in my room.

"Yes"? I asked without looking up from my work.

"I'm bored". He whined.

"I have homework and I bet you do too".

"Doesn't mean I'm doing it".

The bed dipped and soon I felt him kissing my neck.

"Kyle stop". I said annoyed.

"Baby you know you want it to". He started sucking on my neck and I giggled.

"Babe stop". 

He pushed my off my elbows and he was kinda on top of me. His leg was over mine as he kissed my neck.

I know I was going to give in soon so I just got on top of him.

He began to kiss and his hands went down to my butt.

"Well what do we have here".

I looked back and it was Ryan. I gasped and pushed myself off of Kyle.

"Hey dad".

Ryan was just smirking.

What is with this family and smirking at me.

I rubbed my lips with my hand.

"Heaven are you embarrassed"? Ryan said.

"Umm I". I stopped talking and looked down.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. It's fine. Kyle told me he had a thing for you the first day. I'm surprised it took him this long to get you". He laughed.

"Wait you knew". I looked up at Ryan shocked.

"I had a feeling".

"Dad what are you doing home early".

"I had an early day. Where's your brother"?

Kyle rubbed the back of his head. "He's with Justine".

"Oh Heavens friend. How come I didn't see that coming"?

I was just shocked at his reaction.

"Now kids if I were you next time close the door before you have sex". Ryan winked and then walked out.

Wow this family is something else. This is probably where the boys got it from. Ryan is crazy too.

He took us together rather well. My mom on the other hand she probably will freak out.


Once again I know it short and I'm just starting to not feel this story. I have no ideas anymore. I'll let you guys know if I'll be deleting it. I really want to finish but I have no ideas.

If you have ideas feel free to comment them or inbox me your ideas thanks.


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