Chapter 14

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I woke up with a banging headache. My vision was a little blurry at first but I rubbed my eyes to see I wasn't in my room or Justine's.

A door opened and walked out Anthony with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was still wet and looked good.

"Good morning Kitty. There's aspirin on the side for you with a class of water".

I smiled. "Thanks Ant".

I reached over and took the pills and sat up more.

"What are you doing here"? I blurted out.

He laughed and came over to me and sat on the side of me.

"My parents and I moved here last week".

I frowned. "You didn't text or call me"?

He smiled. "I was once I got settled kitty. Your my bestfriend and I haven't heard from you for months so what's your excuse".

He did have a point. I didn't talk or text him since I moved.

I pouted. "I'm so sorry Ant".

He laughed. "Girl don't sweat it but now imma get dressed and you should check your phone people have been blowing you up. And once I'm done we can catch up".

He got off the bed and went into his closet. I grabbed my phone beside me and saw 13 missed calls from mom 10 missed calls from Justine 27 from Kyle. Then 10 voicemails and over 30 texts messages.

I decide I would call my mom first she is probably freaking out.

The phone barely rung when I called my mom.

"Heaven are you okay? Where are you? Are you hurt"? I could tell in her voice she was panicking.

"Mom I'm okay please calm down".

"Damn it Heaven you scared the crap out of me what happened. Justine called wondering where you was".

"Mom sorry I kinda went to a party and drunk some punch which wasn't punch and Ant took me to his house".

"Ant as in your bestfriend Anthony"?

"Yeah mom".

"Oh my goodness that means Shelly is here too. Tell her to give me a call and honey we miss you at home. It's been a week and you need to be home. I'm sorry that Justine is alone but I need you home to watch your sister after school".

"I'll be home soon mom".

"Good. Oh and Heaven".


"Your grounded and pointer never drink punch at a party".

She hung up and I groaned. Damn it. She's good.

I texted Justine but never Kyle. He was full on making out with the slut cheerleader in the hallway where everyone can see him. Now I have to finally face him.

After Ant and I talked and I told him everything he drove me home.

"You know I start school Monday. Let's have a little fun with your stepbrother". He smirked.

I know the smirk. He has a plan.

We pulled up to my house.

"Damn kitty this is a nice ass house. Stepdaddy got money huh"?

I laughed.

"Hey is that him". He pointed to the window.

I turned and there stood a mad jealous Kyle.

I laughed. "Yep". I said popping the p

"Let's give him a show".

I was thinking.

"Kiss on cheek or lips". I smirked at Ant.

"Cheek. Let's warm it up".

He kissed my cheek.

"I'll pick you up on Monday"?

"Yes please and take Hope to school".

"Yeah sure that's my little shortie".

I smiled. "By Ant".

I opened the door. And closed it. I got up the stairs and heard him yell 'bye kitty'.

I walked right by Kyle but he grabbed my arm.

"Who the fuck was that princess".

He has some nerve.

I yanked my arm from him and looked him dead in his eyes.

"First of all don't fucking touch me like that and second of all you can not question me about who I'm with when you was sucking on some sluts face".

"Princess I've been trying to talk to you about that. I'm sorry".

"Sorry my ass you were making out with her Kyle at school where everyone could see. You're not sorry you did what you wanted and let me tell you something it's your fucking fault". I spat and walked inside.

It's Saturday and today is the homecoming game and to be honest I'm not going.

And I don't want to. I want to support Eric but I hate sports and I'm not into it.

Hope came running into my room and jumped on my bed.

She looked sad.

"Hope what's wrong"?

"Why you leave"? She asked quietly. She wouldn't even look at me.

"I just couldn't be here for awhile".

"Was it because of me".

I felt so bad. I pulled her onto my lap.

"Hope you did nothing wrong I promise you and I'm sorry I haven't been a big sister lately. But I thought about you everyday and I missed you".

She looked at me and smiled widely.


I nodded. "Of course".

She hugged me. "I missed you too".

"Can we go to the park pleeeeease". She pouted.

"Hope I can't. Mommy grounded me".

"But but I wanna go".

"Well ask mommy".

She jumped off of me and ran out screaming for my mom.

Then Eric walked in and closed the door.

"Umm what's up".

He scratched the back of his head.

"I'm glad your umm back. Sorry about what Kyle did. We talked and he told me everything".

I shrugged.

"I don't care about him anymore he cheated on me so I'm done with him".

"I understand that but Kyle was just being stupid he-".

I put my hand up cutting him off.

"Don't Eric. He did what he wanted and I don't care okay just let it go".

He nodded.

"You going to the game and dance tonight".

"Nope I'm grounded and I honestly don't want to".

"Dang cause of the party"?

"Yep mom was not happy but that's okay".

He opened the door.

"Good to have you home sis". He smiled and walked out.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Vote. Comment. Share. And I really would love more comments and votes. I'm not really sure if I'll continue. Doesn't seem like anyone likes it.

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