Chapter 11

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"Mommy"!!!! I heard my three year old son yell for me.

I rushed out of the kitchen to the living room to see my husband tickling him.

"Mommy help". He laughed and squirmed.

"Now what are you doing to my baby boy"? I asked with my hands on my hip.

"Nothing sweetheart he just loves bothering daddy while he's on the phone". My husband stood up and grabbed Andrew threw him on his shoulder.

I cringed. "Hey be careful throwing him like that".

He smiled and kissed my lips.

"Yuck". Andrew said making a disgusting face.

"I'm sorry babe".

"Mommy daddy can you take me to playground pleeeeeeeeeease ".

"Oh no daddy isn't. You never cleaned your toys in your room".

He looked at me with the puppy dog eyes.

"No don't give me that look. If you clean fast you can go before it gets dark".

He smiled. "Daddy put down please".

He laughed and put Andrew down and he ran up the stairs.

"Stop running you could hurt yourself". I yelled.

"Sorry mommy". And he disappeared upstairs.

My husband looked at me and smiled.

"What"? I asked confused.

"Nothing you are just gorgeous and you are a wonderful mother and wife". He pecked my lips.

"And daddy didn't forget you either". He said to my 7 month pregnant belly.

He kissed my belly. I'm having another boy. We are naming him Jason.

He walked behind me and wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my shoulders.

"Gosh I love you so much Heaven".

"I love you too Kyle". I smiled.






I woke up with someone shaking me.

I looked to see Kyle smirking at me.

"We're you dreaming about me baby".

I frowned. "No I don't know what your talking about".

I sat up and stretched.

"Oh so 'I love you too Kyle' you weren't talking about me". He mocked me.

"Fine yes I had a dream about you. And it was a great dream until you woke me up". I whined like a child.

He got in bed with me and pulled me close to him.

"What was it about"?

"We were married and had a son named Andrew and another on the way".

He kissed my forehead. "Oh I love that dream. It will be reality soon".

I blushed. I so hope so.

"And I bet you looked beautiful pregnant with my son".

"I don't know. I never saw myself".

"Well I know you did. Now we have to go back to school tomorrow".

I sighed. "I don't wanna". I laid my head in his chest.

"Me either but we need to get the education".

"I know. Did Justine go home"?

"Yeah Eric went with her make sure she's home safely and stuff".

"It sucks that she's alone. Her parents aren't there for her at all. Her dads in jail her mom travels".

"Damn". He shook his head.

"How can she just leave her daughter home alone all the time. Girls can easily get hurt".

"Yeah I know princess. That's why Eric went with her".

I laughed. "Yeah to keep her safe and horny".

He laughed with me. "You horny cause we can do something right now".

"No it's Sunday. The Lord's day I will not have sex".

"Alright I understand that. But when we get married we will have sex on Sunday's".

I laughed and shoved him away from me.

"Where's my kiss"?

"I gotta brush my teeth". I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Ugh guys I'm sorry it's short again. I'm just confused if I should. I won't be writing the story until more people read it. I feel like this story is a failure. I'm really sorry I think I'll just put it on hold for a while.


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