Chapter 10

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StepBrothers Chapter 10


I woke up with Kyle's arms wrapped arm me. I could tell he was still naked cause my head was still on his bare chest.

"Goodmorning beautiful". His husky voice said.

"Morning". I smiled.

I looked up and his eyes were still closed.

"How you know I was up if your eyes aren't open"?

He chuckled a little. "I could feel you moving".

I giggled. "Oh".

I sat up and stretched while yawning. I'm still tired.

"What are we doing today"? He snuggled closer to my ass.

"Our parents will be out cause of work. Don't forget I have to take care of my sister".

I looked at the clock on my phone and it was 1 am. My eyes bugged out and then I started laughing.


"It's 1 in the morning".

I heard him chuckling. I laid down and snuggled up to him.

"I feel like I was sleeping all day and I've only been sleeping since 8".

"That's what good dick feels like". He chuckled.

I hit his chest while laughing.

"Go back to sleep princess".

"I'm thirsty my throat is dry".

"I'll get you some water. I'll be right back".

He unwrapped himself and I moved away from him and he got out of bed. But not without kissing my forehead.

Soon my eyes were getting heavy again and I fell asleep.


I heard some one call my name. I opened my eyes and saw Justine sitting on my bed.

I groaned and turned the other way.

"Girl I know you here me". She snatched the covers off my bed. And I felt the cold breeze. Plus i was naked.

I looked at her. "Give me my blanket back".

She rolled her eyes and threw it at me.

"Girl I heard y'all last night". She smiled.

I blushed and wrapped my blanket around my body.

"So how was it girl? Did you do it more than once"?

"It's was amazing. And no just one time". I laughed.

"Justine come here"!!! I heard Eric yell for her.

She rolled her eyes. "Girl I'll be back".

She walked out of the room. I got up and went to my drawer and got some underwear and shorts and put them on. Then got a shirt. I walked out my room and down the stairs.

Hope was watching the little mermaid so I went to the kitchen and Kyle was in there making a sandwich.

I went over to him and he grabbed my waist and kissed my lips. "Good morning baby".

I smiled. "Good morning Kyle.

Soon my legs were like jello. They were hurting and didn't want me standing anymore. Good thing Kyle was holding me.

"Damn baby did I really fuck you that hard". He laughed making the rest of them laugh.

I glared at him. "Shut up".

He put me on the counter and stood in between my legs.

Eric and Justine walked into the kitchen.

"So what are we going to do today"? Justine asked.

"How about a chill day. We watch movies and stuff". Kyle said

"That sounds good. Eric and I will go get some food and other things". Justine said grabbing Eric's hand and he shrugged following her out the door. As he grabbed his keys on the table.

Kyle looked at me and smiled.

I couldn't help but smile back.

"What"? I asked.

He moved hair from in front of my face. "I'm just glad to actually call you mine. Even though you were already mine but now we have a label".

I blushed and looked at my hands.

He grabbed my chin making me look at him. "I mean it Heaven. I'm happy".

He leaned in and kissed me. His lips felt so soft. I could feel the love as we kissed.

I know. You guys are probably saying where the fuck you've been. I just haven't felt like writing. I think I'm losing my touch. I don't even know if I'll finish this story.

Guys I really don't know what to do. I want to write and finish it. But I feel like it's not getting enough reads votes or comments. I really might end it.


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