Chapter 18 (Epilogue)

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I was happy i finally told my mom about Kyle and I. And i know she is still weird about it but im just glad she knows.

I woke up with Kyle beside me sleeping. Just having him with me again just feels right to me.

"I know your happy but can you please stop staring at me".

I laughed as he opened his eyes.

"Good morning". I smiled and he smiled back.

"Good morning princess".

I sat up and got out of bed. I forgot we have school today.

"You should get ready we have school in two hours".

"Shit i forgot about that".

He got out of bed and walked out of my room. I grabbed my towel and went to take a shower.

I got to the bathroom just as Kyle walked over to it.

"I was here first so i guess you will have to wait". I smirked at him.

He looked me up and down and laughed. "Princess its either i go first or you can shower with me".

I shook my head and laughed. "Fine we will shower together but dont try anything".

He put his hands up. "I can not tell you that i wont cause its been too long baby since ive had sex or even touched your beautiful body". He said rubbing my thighs making me feel a certain type of way.

I grabbed his hand and walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the shower and took my clothes off. Kyle couldnt keep his eyes off of me as i stripped.

"Are you just going to stare or what". I said as i go in the shower.

I heard him taking off his boxers and soon felt him in the shower with me.

He pressed his body up against me. Feeling his hardness against my ass.

Lets just say we only had twenty minutes to get ready before we were late for school.

I walked out of my room dressed and Eric was standing outside or his room smirking.

"What you looking at freak"?

He laughed. "Oh dont act like that Heaven you are so happy that you got some with Kyle. Finally you two got back together and i am i happy too cause it took too long".

I glared and walked passed him. "Shut up".

He laughed as i walked downstairs and i saw Ryan was in the kitchen with Kyle.

"Good morning Heaven". Ryan said looking up from his newspaper. To be honest i didnt know we still got newspaper.

"Good morning Ryan. What are you doing here"?

"My day off". He said picking up his cup probably had coffee in it.

I sat beside Kyle who was eating a muffin and i took a bit of it.


I smiled "Hey".

"You are lucky your mom had to leave early i dont think she would like hearing her daughter moan".

I stopped chewing and looked at him embarrassed. "You heard that"?

He laughed "Yes i did hear that. You are a pretty loud missy".

I covered my face and blushed. "I didnt know i was that loud".

"That just tells me my son knows what he's doing".

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