Chapter 13

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The homecoming game is tomorrow and I don't even want to go anymore. I don't want to leave Justine's house. I can't believe Kyle would do this to me.


I was walking with Justine and Eric to lunch. My stomach has been making noise since last period. It's so embarrassing because we were taking a test I and it was quite. Next thing you know my stomach was rumbling and everyone was looking at me. I just pretended it wasn't me.

"Babe for homecoming dance we are wearing gold okay". Justine said smiling

"Gold and black baby". Eric grabbed her pulling her close.

"You too are just adorably it's disgusting". I said pretending to gag.

"Hey we don't talk about you and K-".

She trailed off and I was looking at the same thing she was. Kyle was kissing the cheer slut and it wasn't like 'oh she kissed him'. They were making out his hands on her waist and he was really into it.

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. I chanted in my head.

Eric cleared his throat and Kyle and the cheer slut looked up at us.

His eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. I couldn't look him in the eyes.

Justine knew exactly what to do cause I was frozen in my place. She grabbed my hand and dragged me away. I just looked at the floor.

-End of Flashback

Why would he kiss her? Was he ashamed of me? Was I not good to him? Did he hate he had feelings for his stepsister? The thoughts just ran through my head.

The whole day Justine stuck by my side and then I left with her instead of going home. I couldn't face him. My heart was broken. I was really starting to have true feelings for him.

That was a week ago. I'm still at Justine's house. My mom was starting to get worried as to why I won't come home.

But Ryan knew exactly why and told my mother that I just wanted to be with my friend who was all alone.

Ryan would pick up Hope from school because the boys had football practice and I just wasn't my self.

Kyle calls me leaves voicemails texts me about how sorry he was. But I wasn't talking or responding to him.

"Hev come on it's been a week. I miss my crazy friend".

"I just don't feel the same".

She came over to the bed and laid beside me.

"Fuck Kyle girl. He doesn't deserve you. You are a beautiful smart talented curvy thick phat girl. Any guy would be lucky to have you. Shit if I wasn't dating Eric I would get on that quickly".

I laughed knowing she was serious. This girl loves boys and girls. She said it doesn't matter the gender only the heart.

"And at school all you do is mope and I hate it but you are very good at avoiding Kyle".

I smiled. That's true I see him before he sees me at school and I go a different path.

"You just need to move on and stop moping cause there are more sexy men in the world. Your live isn't over now get your ass up and let's get dressed for tonight".

I looked at her. "What's tonight"? I was clueless.

"We going to a party and you gonna turn up with me".

"Does Eric know about this young lady".

She laughed and so did I.

"Yes. My baby daddy knows about this and I'll see him there tonight".

"I don't even have clothes for this party".

"Girl you know we wear the same size you better look in my closet and find something".

I got out of bed and went to her closet.

"You mean another room damn this is huge".

She laughed and walked in.

"Yeah my mom did this when she came back from France. She does stuff like this when she feels like she's a bad mother". She's shrugged her shoulders and just looked through the clothes.

Finally I picked something. It was a tight black and red dress. Goes to my knees strapless and I wore red pumps.

"You gonna have all eyes on you girl. Looking all sexy and stuff". She licked her lips and I just laughed.

Once we got to the party it was lit. There was a lot of people here. The house is like a freaking mansion.

"Remember we leave at 2 be by the car". Justine said and we went out separate ways.

This is our first party and we aren't even sticking together. But I finally found the kitchen and got me some punch. And let me tell you. It was the best punch I've ever tasted.

I grabbed another cup and gulped it down.

Soon I was on the dance floor taking to Meek Mill. All Eyes On You.

I was moving my hips to the beat and soon felt someone grab my hips. If I wasn't feeling the music or had six cups of punch I would have pushed the person off but I just moved my ass against the person.

I knew it was a dude cause his dick was hard.

"Baby I've missed you". He whispered in my ear.

I knew that voice go to well.

I turned and smiled.

I can't believe he's here. How did he get here.

I hugged him tightly. "You're drunk. Let's get you out of here"

"My friend umm umm what's her name". I slurred.

He chuckled. "We can wait outside then".

I couldn't even walk in a straight line. So he held me close to him and helped me outside.

We ended up sitting on top of his car. He held me tightly cause I couldn't sit up on my home.

"Kitty I missed you". I smiled.

"I missed you too Ant".

Then I threw up.
Chris Brown as Anthony

Sorry guys I haven't been writing. Super busy working and stuff but I wanted to give you guys a chapter. Hope you liked it.

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