Chapter 16

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Stepbrothers Chapter 16


I can't believe he just left me like that. Is he really going to fight for me.

I ended up getting to class late. I sat beside Justine who saved a seat for me.

"What took you so long"? She whispered.

"Kyle". Was all I said and she shook her head and I began to listen to the teacher.

Just having his lips on mine again made me melt. I do miss him but I'm not going to take him back that easily. He kissed a girl and if I could ignore him I would but he lives in the same house as me.

The whole day I was just distracted. I went to my locker at the end of the day and opened it. A note fell out.

I bent down and picked it up.

It had my name on it.

I put my books in my locker and opened the note.


I know I messed up but I will do whatever it takes to get you back. I realize I fucked up big time and I need you not want you but need. When you were gone I felt like a piece of me was missing. Baby I'm sorry and I will say sorry until I get you back. It's day one to get you back and when you see that boy Anthony he has something for you. I love you princess.

-Your Prince Kyle

Tears fell on the paper. I didn't even know I was crying. I folded the paper and put in my pocket. Then wiped my face. I grabbed what books I needed for homework then closed my locker.

And I went to look for Anthony and knowing him he will be around a lot of females.

As i walked down the hall way i saw three girls around him. Just like i thought. I walked over to him and he had a dozen roses in his hands.

"Alright ladies ill talk to you all tomorrow".

They smiled at him and then looked at me and glared and i shot my middle finger up at them hoes.

"I knew your hoe ass would be around these females". I laughed.

"Aye shut up but here these are for you". He gave me the roses they were pink roses and there were very pretty.

"Thanks but why are you giving them to me"?

"Lover boy told me to. Heaven he really loves you if he left school and bought these for you and then came back to school to give them to me to give to you". He laughed.

I smelled the flowers. And i loved roses especially pink. They are my favorite flowers.

"Come on we got to go and pick up Hope from school or my mom will kill me if i forget to pick her up". I said grabbing his hand pulling him out of the school.

As we were driving to Hope's school Anthony and I were talking about what happened today.

"I see he aint going to give up on you. I mean he grabbed you and kissed you in a closet and said he will not give up on you and i aint on that lovey dovey shit but my nigga really wants you and wont stop until he does".

"I know that but he will have to work hard. Im not going to just go back to him after he made out with the school slut like no it doesnt work like that. I need him to show he loves me".

"I just cant wait to see what else this boy has up his sleeves".

I smiled to myself. "Yeah me too".

We picked up Hope and the Anthony dropped us off.

"Hope what do you want for your snack"?

She put her finger to her chin and tapped it pretending to think. Then she looked at me and smiled.

"I want fruit snacks".

I went to the cabinet and grabbed the box of fruit and got out a bag of fruit snacks and handed it to her.

I put my roses in a vase and put some water in it and kept in on the island.

"Those are pretty". Hope said

"I know my boyfriend got them for me".

"He a good boyfriend"?

I smiled.

"Do you have any homework"?

"Yes i have a worksheet".

"Well go do that in your room and ill be in my room doing my homework".

She nodded and went upstairs with me right behind her. She went to her room and i went to mine.

I opened my door and was in awe. One my bed was a heart made out of roses and in the middle was a dress. Also it had K+H=Love spelled out with roses.

There was a note on the bed. I went over and picked it up.


I know you are probably wondering about the dress. Its for our date tonight at 9. I know thats late but its after your my mom is home. It would be easier to get out the house. I miss you so much and i cant wait to see you tonight princess. I love you.

-Your Prince Kyle

I just cant believe he really is doing all of this. I mean im glad his is going this i just cant believe it. I smiled to myself. I love this guy and i dont want him to be out of my life.

I wonder where he is now? And Eric? He's probably with Justine like always. That boy is in love with Justine.

I went to my closet to see if i had red shoes. Cause that would suck if i didnt. I looked through my shoe boxes and found cute red high heel shoes.

I looked at my bed and took at picture with my phone. I cant just move everything without taking a picture. I moved all the roses petals off of my bed. I know im going to have to clean them up later but right now im really lazy and dont feel like doing any of that right now.

I closed my eyes to think what Kyle had planned tonight and how did he know my dress size. Probably Justine.

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