Chapter 3

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~Justine on the side


"No please don't hurt me again". I back up until my back was against the wall.

"Baby girl I'm not going to hurt you only if you don't cooperate". He slurred walking up to me stumbling a little.

"Daddy no please don't".

"Just stay quite or your mom will wake up shhhh".

He covered my mouth and my screams and cries were muffled.

"Heaven wake up".

I looked to see Kyle and Eric there beside my bed.

"It was just a dream it's okay". Kyle said as he sat on my bed.

I snuggled up to him having him wrap his arms around me.

"It was so real".

"What happened"? Eric said

"My dad". I broke down and cried.

"What did he do"?

"He would come home drunk and and he would hurt me. When I was a little girl".

"Does your mom know".

I shook my head. "My dad never remembered what he did the next day".

"How come you didn't say anything".

"I was so scared. I was scared he would hurt Hope too".

"Has he hurt you lately"? Kyle asked.

"No he doesn't even drink anymore".

"He won't hurt you as long as we are here". Kyle said and Eric nodded his head.

"What about Hope"?

"He wouldn't even get near her. That's our baby sister he wouldnt leave alive if he hurt her". Eric growled.

"Let's get some sleep we have school in about six hours". Kyle said.

Kyle was about to get up but I grabbed his arm.

"Wait can you sleep with me tonight". I pouted and he chuckled.

"Yeah sure". He smiled.

"See you guys in the morning". Eric said walking out the room closing the door behind him.

We laid down in the bed and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Nobody will ever hurt you again Heaven I promise you that".

He kissed my forehead and I yawned.

"Goodnight Kyle".

"Night princess".

I forget he looked good with bed head. And was super sexy.

Soon I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Kyle groaned and snuggled closer to me.

I grabbed my phone and turned my alarm off.

"Why do you set your alarm so early. School doesn't start until 7". He mumbled in my neck.

"I'm a girl I need time to get ready".

"No stay with me". He pulled me closer to his chest.

"Kyle please".

He sighed and let go of my waist.

I got out of bed.

"Damn Heaven your ass is phat. I didn't know you was naked last night I would have done something".

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