standing for her

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Arohi's heart raced as she stood in front of Neel, her eyes shining with excitement. "Neel, I have something to tell you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Neel looked up from his phone, his eyes locking onto hers. "What is it, Arohi?"

Arohi took a deep breath and smiled. "I'm pregnant, Neel. We're going to have a baby!"

Neel's face lit up with joy, and he swept Arohi into a tight embrace. "That's amazing news, Arohi! We're going to be parents!"

As they shared the news with their families, Akshara was very happy at the same time confused . She was also pregnant, but Gonekha was treating her like a queen, while Arohi seemed to be getting all the attention.

But as the days went by, Akshara's suspicions grew. She couldn't shake the feeling that Arohi was faking her pregnancy. One day, she confronted Neel about it.

"Neel, I don't think Arohi is really pregnant," Akshara said, her voice laced with doubt.

Neel's expression turned serious. "Akshara bhabhi, I trust Arohi. She would never lie about something like this."

But Akshara persisted. "Just talk to her, Neel. Ask her about the pregnancy test. I'm sure she'll crack under pressure."

Neel hesitated, but eventually, he decided to confront Arohi. "Arohi, can we talk?"

Arohi looked up from her book, her eyes sparkling with innocence. "Of course, Neel. What's on your mind?"

"Akshara bhabhi thinks you're faking your pregnancy," Neel said gently. "Can you explain what happened with the pregnancy test?"

Arohi's face fell, and she looked down, her voice barely audible. "It was a misunderstanding, Neel. The lab mixed up my sample with another woman's. I was going to tell you, but...but we lost our first child, and I couldn't bear to go through that again."

Neel's eyes widened in shock as a flashback played in his mind. He remembered the day they lost their first child, and the pain they went through. He pulled Arohi into a tight hug.


Arohi clutched her three month old belly as she carefully descended the stairs . The fragrance of incense filled the air as Akshara, prepared for the evening puja. Unbeknownst to Arohi, a small spill of oil lay unnoticed on the steps, a consequence of Akshara's hurried movements.

In a heartbeat, Arohi's foot slipped on the slick surface. She tumbled uncontrollably, her belly taking the brunt of the fall. Pain seared through her body, and she found herself surrounded by a pool of crimson. Panic set in as Akshara rushed to her side, trembling in shock.

Neil,arrived just in time to witness the chaotic scene. With urgency, they rushed Arohi to the nearest hospital. The journey felt like an eternity as fear and uncertainty clouded their minds.

In the sterile confines of the hospital room, Arohi lay still, her eyes reflecting the torment within. Neil held her hand tightly, his heart breaking at the thought of losing their child. The doctor's words hung heavy in the air, confirming their worst fears—their unborn baby had not survived the fall.

Days turned into weeks as Arohi struggled to come to terms with her grief. The once vibrant spirit now seemed shrouded in sorrow. Neil stood by her side, his own anguish masked by unwavering support. Together, they navigated the tumultuous aftermath, finding solace in each other's presence amidst the shattered fragments of their hopes and dreams.

As time passed, Arohi's physical wounds healed, but the emotional scars remained raw. The loss of their child forged an unbreakable bond between Neil and Arohi, a testament to their resilience in the face of adversity. They sought solace in quiet moments, cherishing the memories of their unborn baby who had briefly graced their lives.

Flachback ends **************

Arohi lay in the hospital bed, her eyes filled with tears as Neil gently reassured her. "I believe you, Arohi," he whispered, holding her hand tightly. "But Akshara bhabhi won't. We need to go to the hospital and show her the truth."

With a mix of apprehension and hope, they left the hospital and made their way back to Birla House, where Akshara and the rest of the family awaited their return. Arohi clung to Neil's arm, finding strength in his unwavering support.

As they entered the grand foyer of Birla House, tension thickened the air. Akshara's gaze was cold and accusing. Before Arohi could utter a word, Akshara spoke with a venomous tone, "You're not pregnant, Arohi. How dare you lie to us all!"

Arohi's heart sank as the accusations flew around her like daggers. Her family, once a source of comfort, now stood in judgment. "Shameless woman," muttered one relative. "How could you deceive us like this?" questioned another.

The words cut deep, slicing through Arohi's already fragile emotions. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she struggled to find her voice. Neil stepped forward, his voice firm and resolute, "Stop this! Arohi is not lying. We have proof from the hospital."

But his words fell on deaf ears. The family's scorn only intensified. Arohi was branded as deceitful, her integrity questioned in the harshest of terms. "Characterless," someone whispered, and the accusation hung heavy in the room.

Enough was enough. Neil's patience wore thin as he stood protectively by Arohi's side. "We are leaving," he declared, his voice unwavering. "Arohi and I will not stay where she is not respected."

With that, Neil and Arohi turned their backs on Birla House, leaving behind the echoes of betrayal and misunderstanding. They walked away from the opulence and tradition that had once defined their lives, seeking solace in their own sanctuary.

In the quiet solitude of their new home, Neil held Arohi close, soothing her wounded soul with his love and understanding. Together, they found strength in their shared adversity, forging a bond that transcended the judgments of others.

Days turned into weeks, and Arohi slowly began to heal. The scars of betrayal remained, but so did the resilience that Neil had instilled in her. They found joy in simple moments, nurturing their love and rebuilding their shattered dreams.

As they embraced their newfound freedom, Neil and Arohi realized that sometimes, the greatest battles are fought not against external adversaries, but within the confines of one's own heart. And in each other, they found the courage to rise above the ashes of their past, guided by the fragments of hope that had sustained them through their darkest hours.

Do you all want me to write to the part two of this story is so please comment 🤍

Do you all want me to write to the part two of this story is so please comment 🤍

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