A love beyond life ♥️

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Arohi found herself in a place of indescribable beauty, a place that could only be heaven. The sky was a gentle shade of blue, with clouds that looked like cotton candy, softly drifting across the horizon. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and there was a serene, calming silence that enveloped everything. The landscape was dotted with vibrant meadows, crystal-clear streams, and majestic trees whose leaves seemed to whisper secrets of the universe.

As she wandered through this celestial landscape, she saw a familiar figure in the distance. It was her papa, standing tall with a warm smile on his face.

Beside him was her mumma, looking just as she remembered, with kind eyes that held a world of love. Arohi’s heart leaped with joy and tears filled her eyes as she ran towards them.

“Mumma, Papa!” she cried, embracing them tightly. The three of them stood there, holding each other, the warmth of their love transcending the boundaries of life and death.

“We’ve missed you so much, Arohi,” her mumma whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

“I’ve missed you too,” Arohi replied, her voice choked with tears. “There’s so much I want to tell you.”

Her papa gently stroked her hair, just as he used to when she was a child. “We’ve been watching over you, Arohi. You’ve been so strong, so brave.”

Arohi looked up at them, her eyes shimmering with tears. “I didn’t feel strong. There were so many times I felt like I couldn’t go on.”

Her mumma took her hands in hers, her touch warm and comforting. “But you did, my dear. You kept going for Ruhi, for all of us. We’re so proud of you.”

They sat down together in the meadow, reminiscing about the happy times they had shared. Arohi told them about Ruhi, about her first steps, her first words, and all the little moments that had brought so much joy and pride. Her papa and mumma listened intently, their eyes filled with pride and love.

Before she could continue, she noticed another familiar face approaching. It was Abhinav, her brother-in-law. He looked at her with a mix of relief and joy.

“Abhinav,” Arohi said, her voice soft but filled with reassurance, “you’re going to be a father. Don’t worry, everything is fine on Earth. Your child will be loved and cared for.”

Abhinav’s eyes glistened with tears. “Thank you, Arohi. I was so worried.”

Arohi smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. As she looked around, she noticed a door she hadn’t seen before. It was glowing with a soft, inviting light. Curiosity piqued, she walked towards it, her heart pounding with anticipation. When she opened the door, she saw the person she had longed to see for the past six years.

“Neil,” she whispered, her voice trembling. There he was, standing before her, looking just as she remembered.

Neil’s eyes filled with tears as he stepped forward. “Arohi, I’m so sorry for everything. For not trusting you, for not remembering you on my deathbed. I can’t express how much I regret it.”

Arohi’s heart ached, but she forced a smile. “It’s okay, Neil. I was hurt, but I understand. I want to tell you about our daughter, Ruhi. She’s just like you. She has your kindness, your strength.”

Neil’s face lit up with pride and curiosity. “Tell me everything, Arohi. I want to know all about her.”

Arohi’s eyes sparkled with a mother’s love as she began to recount the precious moments of Ruhi’s life. “Her first word was ‘papa,’ Neil. She looked up at me with those big, innocent eyes, and it was as if you were right there with us. I remember the day she took her first steps. She was so determined, wobbling but never giving up, just like you. She took those steps towards me, and I could see your spirit in her every move.”

Neil’s eyes were filled with tears, a mix of joy and sorrow. “I wish I could have been there to see it, Arohi.”

“She’s so brave, Neil,” Arohi continued, her voice full of pride. “Just like you. She has this incredible curiosity about the world. She loves to read, and she asks the most amazing questions. Sometimes, I feel like she’s an old soul, wise beyond her years.”

Neil smiled through his tears. “She sounds perfect, Arohi. Just like her mother.”

Arohi shook her head, laughing softly. “No, Neil. She’s perfect because she’s a part of you. Every time she smiles, I see you. Every time she laughs, it’s like you’re right there with us.”

Neil reached out, taking Arohi’s hands in his. “Thank you, Arohi. Thank you for loving me until your last breath and for giving our daughter the best of both of us.”

Arohi hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face. “I’m worried about Ruhi. How will she react when she finds out?”

Neil gently lifted her chin, looking into her eyes. “We will be her guiding stars. We’ll watch over her together.”

With those words, a sense of peace and closure filled Arohi’s heart. She and Neil embraced, knowing that their love would continue to shine, guiding their daughter through life. As they held each other, Arohi felt an overwhelming sense of serenity, knowing that they were finally together, watching over their loved ones from above.

Neil then took Arohi by the hand and led her to a place they had once dreamed of visiting together—a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains, with the water so clear it reflected the sky like a mirror. They sat by the lake, talking for hours, sharing memories and dreams, their hearts full of love and peace.

As the day in heaven came to a close, Arohi felt an unbreakable bond with those she loved. She knew that even though they were no longer on Earth, their love and guidance would always be with Ruhi. With her p
arents, Abhinav, and Neil by her side, Arohi felt complete, ready to embrace eternity with the ones she loved most.

 With her parents, Abhinav, and Neil by her side, Arohi felt complete, ready to embrace eternity with the ones she loved most

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