papa and mumma 💗

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Aarohi was bustling around the kitchen, preparing breakfast. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, creating a cozy ambiance in their home. It was a typical Sunday morning, but little did she know, it would soon become a journey through cherished memories.

Her children, Ruhi, 19, and Arjun, 15, burst into the kitchen, their playful banter echoing off the walls. Aarohi turned to them with a warm smile, despite her attempt to sound stern. "Hey, you two! Can you keep it down a bit? Let's not wake up the entire neighborhood."

Ruhi rolled her eyes, poking Arjun in the ribs with a playful jab. "See? I told you, Arjun. Mom's secretly a morning grump."

Arjun grinned mischievously, grabbing a pancake from the plate. "Only until she has her coffee. Then she's the queen of sunshine."

Aarohi mock-glared at them before handing each a plate of pancakes. "Eat up, you little troublemakers. We've got a busy day ahead."

Just then, the front door swung open, and Neil walked in, followed by his brother, Abhimanyu, who had arrived after a long time away. Neil had just picked him up from the railway station, their laughter and cheerful banter filling the hallway.

"Look who I found at the station!" Neil announced with a wide grin, his eyes sparkling with joy.

"Uncle Abhimanyu!" Ruhi and Arjun exclaimed in unison, rushing to greet him with hugs.

Abhimanyu embraced them warmly, feeling a surge of nostalgia. "It's so good to see you two! My, how you've grown!"

Neil set down Abhimanyu's bags and joined Aarohi in the kitchen, exchanging a knowing smile with his wife. "It's been a while since we had Abhimanyu with us. He'll be staying for a few days."

After the initial excitement settled, they all gathered around the kitchen table, catching up on the years that had passed. Abhimanyu's expression turned serious as he glanced at Aarohi. "You know, Aarohi, when I met Neil today at the station, I felt really emotional."

Ruhi, ever curious, asked, "Why, Uncle Abhimanyu?"

Abhimanyu sighed deeply, his gaze turning reflective. "It's just that… you remember how Neil was before marriage? Always the life of the party, spending money like it was going out of fashion. But now, he's so calm, almost subdued."

Aarohi nodded, a bittersweet smile on her lips. "Yes, I remember. Neil was quite the spender, always up for an adventure. But life changes, and so do people."

Arjun, always eager for stories about his parents' past, leaned forward with curiosity. "What was Dad like before we were born?"

Aarohi's eyes twinkled with fond memories. "Well, your father loved music more than anything. He even had a band. We still have all his albums somewhere. Let me show you."

She led Ruhi and Arjun to the living room, pulling out a dusty old box from the closet. Inside were stacks of vinyl records, faded photographs capturing moments of youth, and concert flyers yellowed with age. Ruhi picked up a record, her eyes widening in surprise. "Dad was in a band?"

Aarohi smiled nostalgically. "Yes, he was. Music was his passion. He sacrificed a lot to give us the life we have now."

Neil observed from the doorway, a soft smile of reminiscence on his face. "You kids finding anything interesting?"

Arjun held up a photo of Neil in his band days, his hair tousled and a guitar slung confidently over his shoulder. "Dad, you were so cool!"

Neil chuckled warmly, ruffling Arjun's hair affectionately. "Was, huh? I still got a bit of cool left in me, you know."

Ruhi grinned mischievously, holding up another photo teasingly. "Yeah, Dad, tell us about the time you wore those outrageous bell-bottoms."

Neil groaned playfully. "Oh no, not those photos. Your mom's got a whole collection of embarrassing outfits."

Laughter filled the room as they exchanged stories of Neil's youthful escapades. After a while, the atmosphere shifted to a more contemplative tone, and Neil joined them on the couch, surrounded by their shared memories.

"You know," Neil began, his voice gentle yet filled with sincerity, "it wasn't just about the music or the parties. Your mom and I… we had dreams, big dreams. But when you two came into our lives, everything changed. Our priorities shifted, and we had to grow up fast, to make everything right."

Ruhi and Arjun exchanged a glance, sensing the gravity in Neil's words. Aarohi sat beside Neil, her hand finding his, offering silent support. "But we never regretted a moment of it," she said softly, her voice filled with love. "You both are the best things that ever happened to us."

Moved by their parents' heartfelt words, Ruhi and Arjun moved closer, wrapping their arms around them. Tears welled up in Ruhi's eyes. "We love you both so much."

Neil held them tightly, his voice catching with emotion. "And we love you, more than words can say."

Arjun hesitated for a moment before asking, "Dad, can't you be like you were before, all fun and adventurous?"

Neil smiled warmly, gently ruffling Arjun's hair. "I appreciate that, buddy. But you know, I'm older now. I don't want to be that person anymore. Being your dad and being here with all of you, that's what matters most to me now."

Abhimanyu watched the scene unfold with a smile, feeling the warmth of family envelop him. The room fell silent, the weight of their shared experiences and enduring love sinking in. Ruhi and Arjun hugged their parents tightly, grateful for the love and sacrifices that had shaped their lives.

In that moment, the family felt a deep bond, stronger than ever before. The old records and photographs were more than just memories; they were a testament to the journey they had all taken together.

 The old records and photographs were more than just memories; they were a testament to the journey they had all taken together

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