A good bye 😭

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The Birla household was once again engulfed in sorrow, six years after Neil's passing. Now, his wife, Aarohi, had also left them. Ruhi, their six-year-old daughter, was overwhelmed with grief and weakness. Having never seen her father, Neil, since birth, she had now lost her mother too. The young girl was struggling to cope with the double tragedy.

Abhimayu, Ruhi's father's brother, abandoned her when she needed him most. After her mother's death, instead of comforting Ruhi, Abhimayu left her alone and went away with Akshara, who was Ruhi's mother's sister and also Abhimayu's ex-wife, along with their son Abhir.

"Abhimayu left Akshara, even after learning she was pregnant with another man's child. Nevertheless, he raised the child, Naira, as his own and loved her unconditionally. Together, they formed a happy family, while Ruhi, back in Udaipur, struggled to cope with her abandonment and slid into depression."

After two years, Akshara was watching the news and doing her work in the kitchen. Abhir, who was on leave due to a cold, was also present when the news caught their attention:

News Reader: "Tragedy struck in Udaipur today as a school bus carrying over 20 students met with a devastating accident, resulting in the loss of four precious young lives. The victims have been identified as... (pauses for a moment) ... Aryan Rathod, Lakshmi Mehra, Reha Mehra, Pooja Arora, and Ruhi Brila. Our condolences go out to the bereaved families in this difficult hour."

Akshara's eyes widened in horror as she heard the news, her heart sinking at the mention of Ruhi's name. She immediately called her bade lala, her voice shaking with fear and disbelief.

"Aarohi's last piece... gone?" she whispered, struggling to hold back tears.

Abhir, who was on leave and watching the news, felt a pang in his heart. He had fond memories of Ruhi, his sister, and the thought of her being gone was unbearable. He remembered the times they spent together, the laughter they shared, and the bond they formed. He felt a lump in his throat as he thought about the happy, innocent girl who was no more.

Meanwhile, Abhimayu, unaware of the tragic news, was busy in the hospital, tending to his patients. He had promised himself that he would visit Ruhi one day and make her happy, but.................

"Abhimayu was confused as Akshara and Abhir suddenly wanted to go to Udaipur, but deep down he knew something was wrong as he sensed it in their faces. When he reached Birla House in Udaipur, the atmosphere was different from what he had seen before. His mother, Manjari, ran towards him, hugged him, and cried. Abhimayu asked her what had happened maaa, but she didn't say anything; she just cried hard. He checked on everyone to make sure they were okay, but one person seemed off."

"As an ambulance arrived at Birla House, flashes of Neil's death came to Abhimayu's mind. His mind raced with many questions, but he prayed it wasn't what he was thinking. Fate, however, had other plans.

A body was brought out of the ambulance, that of a small child, and placed in the hall of Birla House. Abhimayu looked at Akshara and Abhir, who were crying. The tears they had held back until now were now flowing freely. Nervously, Abhimayu removed the white cloth with trembling hands. The sight haunted him deeply—the lifeless form of Ruhi."

Abhimayu's mind was flooded with memories of Ruhi, his brother's daughter whom he had left in Udaipur two years ago. He remembered her innocent face, her bright smile, and her eager eyes that used to light up whenever he was around. He recalled the promises he had made to her, the stories they shared, and the laughter they enjoyed together. Ruhi's presence had brought so much joy and meaning to his life.

But now, she was gone.

The grief and guilt that Abhimayu felt were overwhelming. He couldn't forgive himself for leaving Ruhi behind, even though circumstances at the time seemed beyond his control. He had always held onto the hope of reuniting with her someday, believing that they would have more time together. However, fate had cruelly intervened, shattering his dreams and leaving him with a deep sense of loss.

As Abhimayu stood outside Birla House, his heart sank. The memories of their time together came flooding back, each one a painful reminder of what he had lost. He couldn't bear the thought of entering the house without Ruhi's bright smile to greet him, without her laughter echoing through the halls. It felt like he had lost a part of himself, a part that he could never reclaim.

In that moment, surrounded by sorrow and regret, Abhimayu realized just how precious and fragile life could be. He vowed to cherish the memories of Ruhi forever, holding onto them as a beacon of light in the darkness of his grief.

After the somber rituals for Ruhi, Abhimayu retreated to his room, seeking a moment of solitude amidst the overwhelming grief. There, amidst Ruhi's belongings, he noticed her phone lying on the bedside table. The familiar sight of it brought a pang of sorrow, reminding him of her absence.

Curiosity and a sense of longing drove Abhimayu to pick up the phone. He unlocked it and was greeted by the wallpaper—a joyful picture of him and Ruhi, captured during happier times. The sight of their smiling faces momentarily eased his heartache.

As he navigated through the phone, memories flooded back. He scrolled through photos they had taken together, each one a cherished moment frozen in time. Then, he came across Ruhi's messages. His heart skipped a beat as he realized they spanned the last two years—messages he had missed, each carrying a piece of her life that he had been absent from.

Among them was the latest message, received just yesterday. It contained a video attachment. With trembling hands, Abhimayu opened it. In the video, Ruhi's voice, filled with urgency and desperation, pleaded, "Poppy, please come to meet me. I need you, Poppy. I can't live without you. Please, please come."

Tears welled up in Abhimayu's eyes as he listened to her heartfelt plea. The weight of her words sank deep into his soul. It was clear how much Ruhi had missed him, how deeply she had longed for his presence in her life.

"If you don't see this message," Ruhi's voice continued, "I won't talk to you or message you again, I swear." Her sincerity was palpable, her emotions raw and unguarded.

Abhimayu felt a surge of remorse and sorrow. He hadn't realized the extent of Ruhi's feelings, nor had he comprehended the depth of her loneliness without him. Guilt gnawed at him for not being there when she needed him the most.

In that poignant moment, holding Ruhi's phone, Abhimayu made a silent vow. He would cherish her memory forever, honoring her life and the love they had shared. And though he couldn't turn back time, he promised himself that he would never again let distance or circumstance come between them.

With a heavy heart, Abhimayu clutched Ruhi's phone close to his chest, finding solace in the bittersweet reminder of their bond—a bond that even death could not sever.

With a heavy heart, Abhimayu clutched Ruhi's phone close to his chest, finding solace in the bittersweet reminder of their bond—a bond that even death could not sever

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I know it's very sad but  .....
At least she will be happy with her papa and mumma in heaven.
I was in tears while writing this os .

Share your opinion about it and also can you please give me some suggestions like what I want to write next

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