stranger to mine 💗

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Arohi and Rudra's love story began like a fairy tale. Arohi was a bright, ambitious young woman with dreams of making a mark in the world. Rudra was charming, successful, and deeply in love with her. Their relationship blossomed quickly, and when Rudra proposed under a canopy of twinkling lights and starry skies, Arohi felt like the luckiest girl alive. She said yes, believing that their love would conquer all.

But as time passed, Rudra's true nature began to surface. It started with subtle control—comments about her friends, her clothes, her decisions. At first, Arohi dismissed them, attributing them to Rudra's protectiveness. But the control soon turned to criticism, and the criticism to verbal abuse. Rudra's words cut deep, leaving Arohi questioning her self-worth and sanity.

"You're worthless," he spat one evening, his eyes dark with anger. "Without me, you're nothing."

Arohi's world began to crumble. The man she once loved was now a stranger, his love replaced by venom. Rudra's abuse escalated, becoming physical. Arohi's body bore the bruises of his rage, but it was her spirit that suffered the most.

One night, after a particularly brutal beating, Arohi found herself locked in their bedroom, her body aching and her mind numb. She knew she had to escape, but fear and shame held her captive. She couldn't let her family know the truth; she couldn't bear the humiliation.

The opportunity came on a stormy night. Rudra, in a drunken stupor, passed out on the couch. Arohi seized the moment. She gathered her strength, packed a small bag, and crept out of the house. The rain poured down, masking her footsteps as she fled into the night.

But Rudra awoke sooner than she expected. When he realized Arohi was gone, his fury knew no bounds. He stormed out into the rain, determined to drag her back. Arohi, hearing his shouts, ran faster, her heart pounding in her chest.

She stumbled into an alley, her breath ragged and her body trembling. Rudra's voice grew closer, and panic set in. She was trapped. Just as she thought all hope was lost, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness.

Rudra's eyes gleamed with malice as he approached Arohi. "You think you can leave me?" he snarled, grabbing her arm. "You're mine, Arohi. Forever."

Arohi struggled, her cries for help drowned out by the storm. Rudra's grip tightened, and he began tearing at her clothes, his intentions horrifyingly clear. Just then, a strong hand clamped down on Rudra's shoulder, yanking him away from Arohi.

"Let her go," a voice commanded, firm and resolute.

Rudra turned to face a passerby who couldn't ignore Arohi's screams. The stranger's presence was like a beacon of hope in Arohi's darkest moment. He didn't hesitate, launching himself at Rudra to protect Arohi.

The fight was brutal. Rudra, fueled by rage, fought like a madman, but the stranger's determination and strength eventually overpowered him. Rudra fled, leaving Arohi shaken and her dress torn. The stranger took off his jacket and gently placed it around her shoulders, offering her a sense of safety she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, his eyes filled with concern.

Arohi nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "Thank you."

Arohi thought she was finally free, but Rudra's obsession with her ran deep. Days later, he found her again. This time, his intentions were lethal. He cornered her in an abandoned warehouse, a knife gleaming in his hand.

"You thought you could escape me?" he hissed, his eyes wild with fury. "If I can't have you, no one can."

Arohi's heart raced as she backed away, but there was nowhere to run. Just as Rudra lunged at her, the stranger appeared once more, tackling Rudra to the ground. The struggle was fierce, but the stranger's unwavering determination saved Arohi's life again. He subdued Rudra until the police arrived, ensuring Rudra would never harm Arohi again.

Years passed. Arohi rebuilt her life, but the scars of her past lingered. She focused on her career, finding solace in her work and the support of her family. They arranged a marriage for her with a man named Neil, a kind and compassionate individual who seemed to understand her pain without words.

Arohi's eyes widened in shock as she got to know who is her husband Memories of that night flooded back, and she realized the man who had saved her was now her husband. Tears welled up in her eyes as she thanked him, her heart swelling with gratitude and love.

On their wedding night, as they sat together, Arohi shared her story with Neil. She spoke of the abuse, the fear, and the stranger who had saved her life. Neil listened intently, his eyes never leaving hers. When she finished, he reached out and held her hand.

"Arohi," he said softly, "that stranger was me."

"You were the one who saved me," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I can't believe it."

Neil smiled gently. "It was my duty, and my honor. Let's start this new journey together."

As the days turned into weeks, Arohi began to open up to Neil about her insecurities and fears. She shared the nightmares that still haunted her, the moments of panic that gripped her unexpectedly. Neil listened with patience and empathy, his presence a constant source of comfort.

"I feel so broken sometimes," Arohi admitted one night, tears streaming down her face. "I don't know if I can ever truly heal."

Neil held her close, his embrace warm and reassuring. "You're not broken, Arohi. You're strong and brave, and I'm here with you. We'll get through this together."

Neil's support gave Arohi the strength to confront her past. Slowly but surely, she began to reclaim her sense of self. Neil stood by her side, celebrating her victories and comforting her through the setbacks. Their bond grew deeper, forged in trust and mutual respect.

One evening, after a particularly difficult day, Neil decided to surprise Arohi with a special dinner. He transformed their home into a romantic haven, complete with candlelight and soft music. Arohi was touched by his thoughtfulness, her heart swelling with love.

As they danced slowly to their favorite song, the warmth and love between them grew. Neil's hands were gentle but firm as he led her through the dance, his eyes never leaving hers. Arohi felt safe and cherished in his arms, a stark contrast to the fear and pain she had once known.

After the dance, they sat by the fireplace, talking about their dreams and hopes for the future. Neil took Arohi's hand and led her to the bedroom, where he had arranged rose petals on the bed. They shared a night of tenderness and passion, a night that solidified their bond and laid the foundation for a lifetime of love and happiness.

Neil's touch was gentle yet igniting, his lips tracing a path of fire along Arohi's skin. She felt her insecurities melt away, replaced by a warmth and desire she hadn't known before. As their bodies intertwined, their love reached new heights, both finding solace and fulfillment in each other.

Arohi, now fully healed from her past, found herself falling in love with Neil all over again. Their relationship was built on trust, respect, and unwavering support, a beacon of hope for anyone who had ever faced darkness. Together, they embarked on a new journey, their hearts intertwined, ready to face whatever the future held.

Neil and Arohi's love story, forged in the crucible of pain and fear, blossomed into something beautiful and enduring. They built a life based on mutual respect and love, creating new memories to overshadow the painful ones.

One evening, as they sat on their balcony, watching the sunset, Arohi turned to Neil and smiled. "Thank you for saving me, not just that night, but every day since."

Neil wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. "It's my duty," he replied. "And my honor. Let's start this new journey together."

Their love story, filled with moments of tenderness and passion, stood as a testament to the power of love and resilience. Together, they proved that even in the darkest moments, hope and love could prevail, paving the way for a bright and promising future.

Dear readers,

What should be my next os based on you can gave me suggestions and I will give some of my plot

*After neil's deadth abhimayu feel for aarohi ............

* Ruhi and neil's bond

You are free give any other suggestions 💗

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