New beginning💗

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Aarohi glanced back at the grand facade of Birla House one last time. The place that held so many memories was now just a chapter she needed to close. With her daughter Ruhi clutching her hand, they stepped out into the world, leaving behind the pain and broken promises.

Abhimanyu’s avoidance of Ruhi became more apparent each day. Since discovering that Avyan was his biological son, he had been consumed by his newfound paternal responsibilities, neglecting the promise he made to Ruhi to always be there for her. Ruhi, confused and heartbroken, often sought her uncle's attention, only to be met with cold indifference.

"Uncle Abhi, can we play together?" Ruhi asked, her innocent eyes wide with hope.

"I'm busy, Ruhi," Abhimanyu replied curtly, barely looking up from his paperwork.

Ruhi began to call him "Poppy," a name that once symbolized their close bond. "Poppy, can we have ice cream today?" she asked with a hopeful smile.

"Not now, Ruhi," he dismissed, absorbed in his own thoughts.

The repeated rejections broke Aarohi's heart. She could see the sadness in Ruhi's eyes, and it pained her to see her daughter feel unwanted. The final straw came when Ruhi, in tears, confessed, "Mama, why doesn't Poppy love me anymore?"

That night, Aarohi made the difficult decision to leave Birla House. She couldn't let Ruhi grow up feeling unloved and abandoned. They packed their bags and left quietly, seeking a fresh start far away.

In a quaint town far from the shadows of Birla House, Aarohi found a small but cozy apartment. The simplicity of the place felt like a breath of fresh air. It was a space where she and Ruhi could begin anew, away from Abhimanyu's neglect and the constant reminders of a past filled with unfulfilled promises.

Aarohi threw herself into creating a stable life for Ruhi. She found a job at the local clinic, where her skills as a doctor were valued and respected. Every evening, they explored their new neighborhood, discovering parks, little cafes, and making new friends.

One day, as Aarohi was picking Ruhi up from school, she bumped into Aryan, a kind-hearted man who had recently moved to the town. He was a single father to a little boy named Arjun, who quickly became friends with Ruhi. Aryan's gentle nature and caring attitude were a stark contrast to the turmoil Aarohi had experienced in her previous life.

As weeks turned into months, Aarohi and Aryan's friendship deepened. They often found themselves talking late into the night, sharing their fears, dreams, and the pain of their pasts. Aarohi began to feel a warmth she hadn't experienced in a long time, but guilt lingered in her heart. How could she move on when Neil's memory still haunted her?

Ruhi, who had been wary of adults after her experiences with Abhimanyu, gradually opened up to Aryan. He had a natural way with children, always knowing how to make them laugh and feel safe. He never made promises he couldn't keep, and his presence became a comforting constant in Ruhi's life.

One evening, Aryan found Ruhi sitting alone on the swing in the park, her usual brightness dimmed.

"Hey there, Ruhi," Aryan said gently. "What's on your mind?"

Ruhi looked up with teary eyes. "I miss Poppy, but he doesn't want to see me anymore. Why doesn't he love me?"

Aryan knelt down to her level, his heart aching for her. "Sometimes, adults make mistakes and forget what's important. But you, Ruhi, are very special and loved by so many people. Never forget that.

Ruhi hugged Aryan tightly, feeling a sense of security she hadn't felt in a long time. Over time, their bond grew stronger. Aryan became a father figure to Ruhi, filling the void left by Abhimanyu's neglect.

One night, as Aarohi lay in bed, she had a vivid dream. Neil appeared before her, looking peaceful and content. "Aarohi," he said softly, "I will always love you, but it's time for you to live your life. You deserve happiness, and Ruhi needs to see her mother smile again. It's okay to move on."

Aarohi woke up with tears streaming down her face but felt a strange sense of relief. Neil's words echoed in her mind, giving her the courage to embrace the possibility of new love.

Aarohi began to open her heart to Aryan. Their bond grew stronger as they supported each other through life's challenges. Aryan admired Aarohi's strength and resilience, while Aarohi found solace in Aryan's unwavering support and kindness.

One sunny afternoon, Aryan took Aarohi and Ruhi to a beautiful meadow just outside town. As the children played, Aryan turned to Aarohi. "I know you've been through so much, and I don't want to rush anything. But I want you to know that I care deeply for you and Ruhi. I believe we can create something beautiful together."

Aarohi looked into Aryan's eyes and saw sincerity and love. For the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope. "I care for you too, Aryan," she replied, her voice filled with emotion. "And I think it's time I allowed myself to be happy again."

Aarohi and Arjun's relationship blossomed, bringing joy and stability to both Ruhi and Arjun. The town that once felt like a temporary escape became their permanent home. Aarohi's heart, once heavy with sorrow, now brimmed with love and gratitude.

Though Neil's memory would always be a part of her, Aarohi learned that moving on didn't mean forgetting. It meant cherishing the past while embracing the future, and finding happiness in the present.

And so, with Neil's blessing and Aryan's love, Aarohi and Ruhi embarked on a new chapter, filled with hope, love, and endless possibilities.

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