it's 🥺

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"I wrote this story just because an idea popped into my mind."

It was the first day of college, a mix of nerves and excitement swirling within me. As I wandered through the crowded hallways, feeling slightly lost, I spotted her — a girl who seemed just as unsure as I was. We exchanged tentative smiles, and before I knew it, we were chatting like old friends. There was an instant connection, a bond that seemed to defy the first-day jitters.

She introduced me to her circle of friends, and that's when I first saw him — his eyes, deep and searching, and a smile that could light up the room. From that moment on, I found myself stealing glances whenever I could, hoping he'd notice me too. But he seemed content in his relationship with a girl from our school, unaware of the way my heart skipped a beat whenever he was near.

Days turned into weeks, and I found myself daydreaming about him, wishing for just a moment of his attention. I didn't dare confess my feelings; instead, I silently admired him from afar, cherishing every brief interaction we had. His absence on school days left an inexplicable void, and his presence filled my thoughts more than I cared to admit.

On our farewell day, he looked especially handsome in a brown shirt that complemented his warm smile. As I watched him amidst the festivities, I wondered if I would ever muster the courage to tell him how I felt. But doubts crept in — would it matter? Would it change anything?

Sometimes, I imagined what it would be like if he wasn't in a relationship. Would he see me the way I saw him? Would he feel the same inexplicable pull? But those were questions I could only ponder silently, afraid of disrupting the fragile equilibrium.

In the end, I realized " I had fallen for those eyes that never looked at me"whose attention was elsewhere. And so, I silently cherished the memories of stolen glances and fleeting conversations, knowing that sometimes, love remains unspoken, existing only in the quiet corners of our hearts.

"I fell for the eyes that never looked at me," I whispered to myself, a bittersweet acknowledgment of a love that was never meant to be.

One-sided love is always painful yet beautiful. Everyone experiences unrequited love at least once in their life. In my life, I have also gone through it. If you don't mind, what's your perspective on one-sided love?"♥️

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