Ruhi and aarohi 💗

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In a cozy, bustling neighborhood, the sound of children's laughter filled the air as they played outside. Among them was Ruhi, a bright and spirited eight-year-old with a heart full of dreams and a mind full of questions. Ruhi was known for her infectious smile and her kindness towards everyone. However, there was a shadow that occasionally clouded her cheerful demeanor.

One sunny afternoon, Ruhi was playing hopscotch with her friends in the park. The game was interrupted by a group of older children who started teasing her.

"Hey, Ruhi! Why don't you ever talk about your dad?" one of them sneered. "Do you even have a father?"

Ruhi felt her stomach tighten. She tried to ignore them, focusing on her game, but the older kids wouldn't let up.

"Yeah, Ruhi," another one chimed in. "Maybe your dad didn't want you. Maybe he ran away because he didn't want to be with you and your mom."

The words hit Ruhi like a storm. She felt a lump forming in her throat as she fought back tears. She tried to respond, but her voice was weak. "That's not true. My dad loved me," she whispered, but it was barely audible.

"Oh really? Then where is he?" the first kid taunted. "If he loved you, he would be here. Maybe he's just a coward."

Ruhi couldn't hold back her tears any longer. She dropped her hopscotch stone and ran away from the park, her heart heavy with sadness and confusion. The words echoed in her mind, each one more painful than the last.

She burst into their small but warm apartment, her eyes brimming with tears. Aarohi, her mother, was in the kitchen preparing dinner. She immediately noticed Ruhi's distress and rushed to her side.

"Ruhi, sweetheart, what happened?" Aarohi asked, her voice filled with concern as she knelt down to her daughter's level.

Ruhi couldn't hold back any longer. "Mom, why don't I have a father like other kids? Why do they tease me about it?" she sobbed, her little body shaking with emotion.

Aarohi's heart ached at the sight of her daughter's pain. She wrapped Ruhi in a comforting embrace, holding her close. "Oh, my dear Ruhi," she whispered, stroking her hair gently. "You do have a father. He may not be with us, but he loved you very much."

Ruhi looked up, her tear-streaked face full of confusion. "Then why isn't he here, Mom? Why don't I remember him?"

Aarohi took a deep breath, gathering the strength to explain. "Ruhi, your father was a wonderful man. He loved us deeply, but he had to leave us when you were very little. He didn't want to, but sometimes life can be very hard and unfair. He is watching over us from heaven and he is very proud of you."

As Aarohi comforted her daughter, her mind drifted back to the most painful time of her life. She remembered Neil's death vividly, the day her world shattered. Neil, her beloved husband, had been involved in a tragic accident. He was rushing to meet Aarohi at the hospital for a routine check-up when a drunk driver hit his car. The news of his death had left Aarohi numb and broken.

In the days that followed, Aarohi felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. She was pregnant with Ruhi, and the grief of losing Neil was compounded by the uncertainty of raising their child alone. The Birla family, to whom Neil belonged, initially offered support, but their concern quickly turned to the family's reputation and internal politics.

Aarohi remembered the day she was called into a family meeting. Abhimanyu and Akshara were expecting their first child, and the elders feared that Aarohi's child might cause complications for their grandchild. Manjari, the matriarch of the Birla family, suggested that Aarohi consider aborting the child.

"It's for the best, Aarohi," Manjari had said sternly. "We cannot afford any complications for Abhimanyu and Akshara's child. You are young, you can start over."

Aarohi's heart had shattered all over again. The suggestion felt like a betrayal, as if her child's life was insignificant compared to the family's desires. She had stood her ground, her love for her unborn child giving her strength. "I won't do it," she had declared, her voice trembling but firm. "This child is Neil's last gift to me, and I will raise her with all the love I have."

From that day on, Aarohi distanced herself from the Birla family. She moved to a smaller apartment and focused on building a life for herself and her unborn child. The journey was fraught with challenges, but Aarohi's determination never wavered. She welcomed Ruhi into the world with tears of joy, vowing to give her the best life possible.

Now, as she held her crying daughter, Aarohi's heart ached with the memories of her struggles and Neil's absence. "People can be cruel when they don't understand something," Aarohi said softly, wiping away Ruhi's tears. "It's not fair, and I'm so sorry you have to go through this. But you are strong, Ruhi. And you are surrounded by so much love. You have me, and you have our memories of your father. We will always be here for you."

Ruhi sniffled, trying to process her mother's words. "But why do the other kids tease me about it? It hurts so much, Mom."

Aarohi wiped away Ruhi's tears with her thumb. "Sometimes, people say hurtful things because they don't understand our situation. They don't know how strong and brave you are. And they don't know how much love we have in our family."

Ruhi hugged her mother tightly, finding solace in her warmth. "I miss him, Mom," she whispered.

"I miss him too, sweetheart," Aarohi replied softly. "But we will keep his memory alive by being kind, loving, and strong, just like he was. And whenever you feel sad, you can talk to me about anything. We'll get through this together."

Ruhi nodded, feeling a bit lighter. With her mother's comforting words, she knew she wasn't alone. The pain was still there, but now it was mixed with a sense of understanding and hope.

From that day on, whenever Ruhi faced teasing or felt the absence of her father, she remembered her mother's words. She learned to

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