|17|♛| Seedling Of Villainy |♛|

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|Guys, about the long delay in updates:

I'm translating everything myself now and I changed courses at my college. Now I'm doing engineering, but I'll continue with the stories, don't worry.The problem is that it is now much more difficult to translate them all, especially alone. That's why I want you to choose which story will be updated next so I can have a deadline for you.

If you could contribute to Ko Fi (pjkvenus) it would be a great help too.

Link in comments

Enjoy the story ❤️


he remnants of chaos marked every corner of the castle

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he remnants of chaos marked every corner of the castle. It was possible to see them in the stunned gazes of the soldiers, in the fallen bodies in the middle of the corridors, and the blood splattered by high and shiny walls. And in the ivory roots of the Sacred Tree that had sprouted from the ground by the power of the Silver Omega.

If before, the palatial dome was immersed in a limbo of hypnosis, the clanging of sword blades and the roars of the lupines sounding like deafening rumbles. Now it could only hear the scream of those who had killed their friends, brothers, and lovers.

Screams of lamentation and disbelief, the only noise that would momentarily deceive the silence of death.

However, at that moment, Jeon Jungkook was even more silent than death. With Park Jimin in his arms, carrying him swiftly to the royal chambers, his heart pounded with calculated coldness, his breath caught almost unnoticed, and his skin grew paler by the second. Silent and immersed in a stillness full of tension, the only thing that crossed his mind was the strong smell of the omega's blood and how that could mean everything bad.

Once he'd laid him on the comfortable bed, he forced himself to make room for the healers to do their work.

Jimin was stripped naked to facilitate the examination of his body, and given a blanket just to hide most of his nakedness. While the healers were torn between analyzing the baby's heartbeats and the omega and studying the blood that had oozed between the latter's thighs, the King of Adaman tightened his jaw with the nervous feeling that erupted in his chest.

He couldn't stay away from Jimin much longer, so he knelt on the floor next to the bed and used both hands to hold on to the other guy's left. The King brought his forehead closer to his wrist and inhaled deeply to absorb its scent.

Jimin's sweet smell could help calm him down, even a little.

After a few minutes, one of the healers finally concluded something about the omega's situation.

— Majesty — He called, immediately attracting Jungkook's attention — We believe Your Magnificence has put in more effort than you could in your current state. Your body is dangerously weak.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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