Chapter 87: Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery Area

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Chapter 87: Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery Area

[Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery Area, covering an area of 0.7 square kilometers, population none, 2 large plots, 3 medium plots, and 7 small plots.]

[Note: Affected by the corpse of the Hundred-Armed Giant, this area is locked to the attributes of giants, death, and combat. Some buildings will not be constructible.]

Looking at the message that popped up, Gu Xi finally let out a sigh of relief. Although this area had significantly shrunk, the main building spaces were still preserved.

At the same time, the attribute lock meant that some buildings couldn't be constructed here, but it also implied that if the buildings constructed matched the attributes, their quality would be enhanced.

There were both advantages and disadvantages. Whether it was good or bad depended on how Gu Xi chose to use it.

Using the Staff of Destruction to support himself, Gu Xi took another look at the ground in front of him.

Without the obstruction of any buildings, Gu Xi could finally see the full view of this newly added area.

Apart from the hundreds of various bronze arms, the most noticeable thing in this area were the empty spaces untouched by these bronze arms.

On the empty grounds were decayed or shattered bricks and wood.

Judging by the size of the empty plots, the two large plots seemed to intentionally avoid the direction of Aridowei's main city area, leaning towards the edge of the Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery Area.

Nearby were three rows of closely packed small plots.

With this observation, Gu Xi realized that the additional large plot was likely squeezed out forcefully.

It seemed to be Luna's doing.

At this moment, Luna had already rushed out from the council hall.

"Master, it's been handled."

"That's good. You've worked hard this time. I didn't expect the integrated city to turn out this way."

Gu Xi said somewhat awkwardly. Speaking of which, this situation was mainly caused by him. After all, he obtained the deed to the abandoned old city and initiated the lab issues.

"Master, don't mention it. Aridowei is our city. It's my duty to contribute to it."

"Alright, for now, our construction focus will still be on the dock area. Let's prioritize building the dock warehouse and dock market. We'll leave the Hundred-Armed Giant Cemetery Area for later, when we have more resources."

"Understood. I'll handle things here first. But, Master, you must pay attention to the city's construction. We currently lack resources and blueprints.

The only resource-producing place is the council hall, while other small buildings produce only food for the undead. Our needed building materials come from the city's demolition work.

If this continues, the city's development will be restricted."

"Hmm, I'll find a way. If necessary, I'll ask around in the guild to see if there are any resources or blueprints for sale."

Gu Xi was also troubled by this issue.

The Sunshine Glory Guild seemed good, but Gu Xi's current status was awkward. He wasn't a core member and had just joined.

Though he held the title of chief, the guild would only increase resource investment without offering many conveniences.

Not to mention opening the guild's internal warehouse to send a batch of resources and blueprints to him.

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