ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜ (ᴄʀᴏᴡʟᴇʏ x ʙʟɪɴᴅ ғᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)

14 1 0

Summary: I want to 'see' your face.

Warning: IT'S CROWLEY, WE LOVE HIM. Fluff, touch, Crowley is flustered, love, adore, sweeet and any kind of words that describe love, self conscious Crowley, reader already know Crowley is a demon

As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


Crowley who was sprawled on the chair raised his head and looked at you who had just entered the Bookshop. The sound of a cane tapping on the floor got closer and closer as Crowley got up and rushed towards you to help you walk towards the couch. You held your cane tightly as you walked with Crowley's help to the couch. Crowley occasionally gently pushed you to avoid hitting the corner of the table in the center bookshop.

"Love, I thought you came late again?" Crowley muttered as he gently helped you to sit on the couch after you both arrived.

You sit down and put your cane next to you. You who wears dark tinted glasses turn your head towards the voice of Crowley who is sitting to your right. You smile genuinely.

"Well, I don't have anything to do so I decided to come early. If it doesn't bother you" you replied, smiling widely showing your teeth.

Crowley shook his head. "Well, you didn't even bother me. In fact, I was waiting for you to come earlier than the time you stated you would come" Crowley shrugged. "But.. You must have something you want if you suddenly smile that big" Crowley added, suspiciously.

You pursed your lips to stop smiling but it was a bit difficult because you were quite excited to do something you've been wanting to do to Crowley for a long time.

You suddenly feel anxious. What if Crowley doesn't like what you want to do? Now this makes you think a few times. But you both have been dating for 2 months now so you must be comfortable with each other. There's no way Crowley didn't like it. It's something that means a lot to you and him. You want to know his face. You want to 'see' his face. So that you can memorize his face in your mind.

"i want to 'see' your face" you blurted.

Crowley stared at you dumbfounded. "how?" Crowley replied.

"I want to trace your face with my fingertips so that I can memorize every part of your face in my mind. That way I can know your face" you said with determination. "If you don't mind that I want to touch your face" you bow your head slightly.

Crowley is flabbergasted. You want to know his face. You want to memorize his face with your fingertips. You want to 'see' his face. Crowley now began to worry. What if you find him not as handsome as you expected him to be? What if he's not the type you want? Now he feels self conscious with his face. He never heard such things as memorized his face, let alone in your mind. He never heard people asking him for permission to do such things but you. You are the first.

"I.. I don't mind about that.. But I'm worried that I'm not what you expect me to be" Crowley said, sadly.

"nonsense! I don't mind about that. The important thing is that you are a great man I've ever known and dated. I don't care what your face looks like, but at least you treat me like I'm not a blind person asking for sympathy. You treat me like I'm a normal person" you lowered your voice at the end while fidgeting with your fingers.

Crowley's heart skipped a beat as he heard what you said. He stared at you with admiration in his eyes. How come this blind innocent human is able to do that to himself? Making him fall in love with you again. Like the first time he laid his eyes on you. Standing awkwardly next to Aziraphale and covering your sensitive ears after he burst into the bookshop.

How come this woman possessed such power to make him fall in love with her? Crowley snapped out of his reverie. He stared at you for a moment before he shifted closer to your side. He leaned his face closer to yours.

You can sense him getting closer to you. You can feel his breath on your face. You can sense him bringing his face closer to you. Shivers run up your spine at this intimate position. You have been through the same thing many times while being with Crowley but this feeling still stays with you whenever he does such a thing.


"Go on, touch me with your fingertips. Memorize my face in your mind. Every part of my face. Go on, love" he whispered to you as he took off his dark tinted glasses and tossed it to the table next to the couch.

"are you sure" you whispered back to him, anxiously.

"hundred percent" Crowley replied as he took your hands and placed your palmed on his cheeks, signaling you to do it.

You sunk in your breath at that as you slowly trace your fingertips to every part of his face. Crowley eyes still stared at your dark tinted glasses. Even the glasses you wear are a bit dark, he can see your two white eyes widened after you traced your fingertips on his face. You breathe heavily, marveling at his smooth face on your fingertips. You brought your fingertips to his nose.

Carefully traced his pointed nose to be memorized. You are at a loss for words. Your mind memorized his face rapidly. All the thoughts that seem to worry have disappeared and been replaced with just one sentence. Majestic.

His face is very majestic like you are holding a statue that was carefully carved by an experienced artist. The most expansive and graceful statue that is admired by many.

"Crowley, you.. " you started.

Crowley just shut up, letting you finish the sentence.

"stunning" you finished.

Crowley stared at you in disbelief at what he heard. He was so shocked that he was speechless. Stunning is the word he heard making him look at you in disbelief. Do you find him stunning?

"Are you.. Okay? Is something wrong? Did you not like that sentence? I- I can find another sentence to describe yo-"

Crowley's lips crashed into yours suddenly making you gasp, you immediately put your hands on his shoulders to support yourself from falling off the couch. Crowley's hands moved to your back as he deepened the kiss. You return his kissed with the same energy.

You both parted away after a few second share affection. Your head is still in the position where he is, mouth agape, gasping for breath.

Crowley breathed heavily as he brought you close to him. You can feel his breath on your face. You are stunned.

"You have no idea what you have done to me." he grunted as he hugged you.

"Crowley.. " you muttered.

"You made me fall in love with you all over again." he muttered as he hides his face in your shoulder.

You softened your posture as you hugged him tightly. Head was placed on Crowley's shoulder. " My stunning Demon" you muttered.

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