ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ʀᴇsᴛ ɴᴏᴡ (s.sɴᴀᴘᴇ x ᴡɪғᴇ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)

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Summary: Till Death Do Us Apart

Warning: IT'S SEVERUS SNAPE. i love writing angst for him. Wife reader, heavy angst, Deathly Hallow part 2, Blood, Secret wife and daughter, Sad, wounds, acceptance, death.

As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Harry rushes forward, into the strange, wavering light,then stops in horror, watching Severus' blood run like syrup over the weathered boards toward him. Ron bumps past, heading in the direction Voldemort took. Hermione pauses by Harry.

Harry kneels by Severus. He lays his fingers upon the bloody wound at his neck, but it's no use. Severus' eyes shift and, briefly, look deep into Harry's. And then he begins to... Cry.

Harry is stunned at this sudden emotion. As long as he knows Severus, he has never seen any kind of emotion show on his face. Let alone see him cry.

Severus' breath gasped as he gasped for oxygen. Trying to muster himself to speak. "take them" Severus whispered, tears running down his cheeks.

Harry looked at him confused and hesitant. He didn't understand what Severus meant.

Severus gestured towards his wet cheeks. "Take them" he said again.

Severus' face shuddered softly and his tears transformed, from clear water to silvery blue. Harry reacts to the color. He's seen it before. Suddenly Severus grabs his collar, pulls him close.

"Please" Severus choked, he holds Harry captive briefly, then drops back to the

Harry blinks, shaken. He then turned toward Hermione who witnessed these seemingly broken moments.

"Give me something! Quickly! A flask! Anything." He shouted.

Instantly, Hermione conjures a flask from thin air before giving it to Harry who took it with his trembling hands. Hands trembling, Harry presses it to Severus' ashen cheek, letting the fluid flow within. Severus stared at James double for a moment. He can feel himself fade away from this world but he needs to hold on a little longer as he was waiting for someone he means to meet before he goes. One last time. He wants to hear her voice one last time.

Harry still took in Severus' tears. His other hand still pressing against Severus wound in the neck. Blood poured out of Severus' chest non-stop. Every blood that flows is how close his death is.

"They are the same."

Harry searches Snape's face, trying to decipher his words. Snape stares at Harry in wonder, lost in his eyes, then his pupils dilate, his voice trailing off.

"You have your mother's eyes" he whispered.

He remembers his best friend's eyes. Lily Evans. Now he feels guilty for what he did in his past life. Had he known that Voldemort would kill Harry's parents, he surely would apparate and bring them all to another safer place even though he hates James but he knows that Lily is happy with him. He no longer has feelings for Lily because he already has someone who understands him. Someone who makes him happy. Severus eyes fixed on Harry's eyes.

Harry was silent as he stared at his former potions teacher. A crack of someone's apparate could be heard behind Hermione as Hermione pointed her wand at whoever appeared cautiously.

There stood a woman who was the same age as Severus who wore black robes with dark pants. Her E/c fixed on the scene in front of her. Her face is smudged with ashes and cuts. Her hair is messy. The mysterious woman widened her eyes before rushing towards Severus' side and kneeling beside him.

Harry looked at the woman skeptically. The woman seems out of breath but then she suddenly lets out a gasped as she takes a place where Harry is. Harry moved himself aside letting the woman take his place. The vial in his hand was held tightly. She put her hand on Severus' wound. Pressing it gently. Severus' glossy eyes fixed on the woman beside him. He smiled faintly though Harry could see that Severus was smiling at the woman.

"hey" She choked on her tears but maintained her tearful smile.

"Hey" Severus' muttered, his energy is getting lower and lower.

"It's okay.. We'll be okay" the woman whispered.

Hermione's cheeks are wet with tears as she witnesses this. She didn't know who this woman was or what her relationship was with Severus, but she assumed that this woman was someone Severus had known for a long time. Someone he has known since the first wizardry war.

Severus mustered up his energy to wipe the tears on the woman's cheeks with his thumb. He smiles with guilt. The guilt that he had to leave this incredible woman. His hands limped back to his side. He can feel himself getting colder.

"Tell her that I love her so much.. That I'm sorry that I can't go home.. " Severus choked on his own blood.

"She'll understand.. She is smart like her father. And she knows that you love her so much" the woman was only able to smile reassuringly at Severus as if she didn't want to be sad at his last moment.

'What? Is she married to Snape?' Harry eyes fixed on the woman's hand where there was a silver ring that simply resided on the woman's finger. Light shone on the ring. Harry looked at the woman in disbelief. This woman is Snape's wife. Secret wife to be exact.

Severus' eyes began to lose the spark of life. His eyes stared at the woman's face longingly.

"I'm sorry that my journey stopped here.. I should have been with you, always" Severus muttered. His voice getting smaller and smaller as the life comes out of him slowly.

The woman moved her free hand to brush away the strands of hair from Severus' face, she let out a shaky breath.

"I understand that your journey stops here. You have done all kinds of incredible things. This is your time to rest, my love.. It's okay, you can rest now" She moved and kissed the corner of his lips genuinely. Her eyes are closed as she savors the feeling of his pale skin that is getting colder. One last kiss.. is all he wants before he goes.

And Severus' body goes stiff. His eyes glazed over in space in front of him. And the woman let out a broken weeping as she put her head on Severus' shoulder. She knows that he's gone judging by the lack of reaction by him. The last life of him passed away, so was his soul leaving his love weeping for him to come back. The woman moved her hand that pressed on the wound on Severus' neck and clutching his robes tightly as she wept on Severus' shoulder.

She didn't care about the blood that stained her robes as long as she was able to hold her lover one last time. The teens who were there looked at the woman with sorrow painted on their faces. The sound of broken sobbing was heard there before the sobbing stopped and only sniffles could be heard.

The woman turned her head towards the two teens there. Eyes red and puffy plus cheeks wet with tears. She let out a shaky breath before speaking.

"Please forgive everything that my husband did to you. He did not mean to do that for he was told to do that for the sake of hiding his true purpose to bring the Dark Lord down. It was so bad and cruel for him to do that and he's really sorry for everything he did to you all.. " the woman said sorrowfully.

Harry and Hermione stared at the woman in sympathy. Hermione stepped forward slowly approaching the woman.

"We forgive him." and those simple words brought a single tear to the woman's cheek.

"please... Take the vial to the pensieve, Harry.. There's so much you need to know in those drops of memories.. Please.. You need to understand it" the woman pleaded, taking Harry's hands and cupped his hands tightly with her bloodstained hands . Her eyes fixed on him.

Harry nodded his head several times before the woman let go of her grasp and let the young man and woman leave the Boathouse.

You turned your body back to Severus. You scooted closer to him and gently closed his glazed eyes. He looks very peaceful like he is sleeping. Sleep that will not wake up. You hugged his body tightly.

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