ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀғᴛᴇʀʟɪғᴇ (sᴇᴠᴇʀᴜs sɴᴀᴘᴇ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)

26 1 0

Summary: He welcomed his death like an old friend

Warning: It's Severus Snape, we love him. Heavy angst, he's dead, afterlife, death mentioned, blood, murder, Deathly Hallow part II, reader already dead, love, Peace

As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Severus is shaking as all his breath has been taken little by little, the pain is starting to sting and blood is pouring out of his neck. This is it, he's going to die leaving the wizardry world behind. Free from this heavy duty.

Severus let out a shaky breath and looked at Harry who was kneeling beside him while his hands stopped the bleeding on his neck.

"Look ... at ... me. ...” he whispered.

Harry stared at Severus solemnly.

"You have your mother's eyes" he whispered lowly but enough for Harry to hear what Severus said.

Harry was stunned and stared at Severus in shock. His mouth opened unexpectedly at what his old professor said. Now he feels guilty after all these years he hates Severus, how he accused Severus of being a traitor and everything.

The green eyes found the black, but after a second, something in the depths of the dark pair seemed to vanish, leaving them fixed, blank, and empty. The hand holding Harry thudded to the floor, and Snape moved no more.

Harry leaned backwards and stared at the unalive eyes in front of him. Empty. No life in it. And he gave his condolences to Severus one last time before he and his friend left the boathouse.

Severus' dead body gradually turned pale as more blood and life came out of him. He didn't protest nor did he get angry but he let it go because he knew there was someone waiting for him on the other side.

"Severus" a feminine voice called him.

Severus opened his eyes slowly as a blinding white light shone in front of him. He groaned in pain and adjusted his eyes to match his surroundings. After a couple of blinking, he opened his eyes without any pain in his retina.

"Severus" a feminine voice called him again.

Severus looked around for the source of the voice and stopped when his attention was caught by a woman dressed in a simple white dress. You.

He was stunned and lost for words. It's been a long time since he met you after you died the same year as Lily Potter. You are still beautiful just like you are still alive only you look more mature just like him. He stiffened there. You always impressed him with various things, and that's made his heart skip a few beats when he was in school.

He didn't say anything about that. He tends to keep that to himself. He is afraid to admit that he has feelings for you. He is afraid that he will be rejected and insulted by you because who wants to be with Snivelius? Who in the right mindset wants to be with him? No one. That's why he kept it to himself.

"Severus" you called him again with that sweet smile that Severus adored.

He snapped out of his reverie and slowly approached you. He noticed that he was still wearing his black robe, only it looked clean and there were no traces of blood or dirt. He unconsciously reached out to his broken neck only to find that there was no blood or a big slit on his neck. He's clean and feels more alive than before. Severus' attention returned to you, and he finally got in front of you.

You looked upon his face with a gentle smile before reaching out to palmed his cheeks. "Hello, Sev"

Severus breath hitched in his throat when he heard your voice that he hadn't heard in a long time. His eyes tear up with tears as he leans his forehead against you and savoring your warmth that he misses.

He raised his hand and caressed your cheek with his thumb as he closed his eyes.

"Y/n...I'm sorry" Severus whispered somberly.

You stroked his cheeks and sighed lightly. "It's not your fault. I'm just in the wrong place at the wrong time, that's all."

"I was in the group that attacked Hogsmade, I didn't know you were there too" he whispered with a face wet with tears.

"it's not your fault, you didn't kill me but another Death Eater is. Besides, it happened a long time ago." you looked at his broken face.

He opened his eyes and backed away a little from your face. His eyes were red and his cheeks were wet and puffed with tears. He caressed your cheek unconsciously.

"I was stupid and young at that time.. I-" new tears started to fall. "I push you away from me even if you only want to help me.. I didn't get a chance to say my feelings to you" he hugged your small frames tightly.

"I know about that, Severus. I.. I also have feelings for you but I don't have the heart to tell you.. I feel so guilty for leaving you in that world while I am free from all problems. Not free from this feeling to you. Everytime I sit here I always think about you, your whereabouts and your safety. I always worry about you." you said in his ear.

Severus kept crying on your shoulder as you rubbed his back gently. Severus was not one to show his emotions to others. He always hides his emotions behind his stoic cold face. But then, he doesn't know why now all his emotions are clearly shown to you.

You sniffed and pulled away from Severus' arms to face his wet face. You smile watery. "now, we are together, nothing can stop us. No more Voldermort, no more Death Eater. Just us."

"just us" Severus muttered and then without a second thought, he leaned his face towards you and kissed you tenderly with a large amount of emotion inside one kiss.

You returned the kissed with more passion and put your hands on his shoulders. As your breath reached its limit, you both pulled away from each other and leaned your forehead against each other. Severus hands already on your waist.

Both of your eyes look at each other's faces with love in both of your eyes. This is it, your new world. And new feelings. Feelings that have been hidden for a long time finally come true at the end.

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