A ghost..?

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Jungkook's pov
"Who's there?" I asked but got no reply. I definitely heard someone. I know it but I can't find anyone. Then all of a sudden a kid ran into me. He looked at me with tears. He had blue eyes, he looked at my bracelet just like that woman did. I bent on my knees. "Who are you and how did you reach here?" I asked in a sweet tone.

"I got separated from my mother" He said in a low tone. "Oh so you are the one I have been finding" I sighed in relief. "Why were you finding me?" He asked in a low tone. "Your mother asked me to find you, technically begged me"

"Why did you came here?? You shouldn't have" He said while panicking. "What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. "Because there's no way you met my mom" He said making me more confuse. "What do you mean, kid?" His next sentence made me completely shocked. "My mom is no more, I was running because I was in this grief that I lost my mother, that I got separated from her forever, she isn't alive, she is dead"

"So who was the woman I met there?" I murmured. "It must be a demon" He replied. "A demon?" I chuckled. "Don't laugh, don't you know that there is a demon lurking around this place?" I looked at him, it didn't look like he was joking and at this situation he won't be lying, so i listened to him carefully, and nodded my head in no.

"You are Prince Jungkook from Rosefall Kingdom, aren't you?" I was shocked, how does he know my identity? Am I that famous? Haha! "How do you know me?" I asked in confusion. "Whoever sees this bracelet of yours will understand who you are" He replied. I looked at my bracelet. I have been wearing this since my birth, all my brothers have the same bracelets.

"Do you not know about this also?" I shook my head slightly. "Your highness then you don't know many things" He said. "What do you mean? What do you know more?" I asked. "My mother used to tell me stories about your kingdom, I used to think they were just stories but they weren't, they were all real, do you know who raised you when you were a kid?"

"Obviously my parents" He made 'completely done' type expression. Did I say something wrong? "I know more than you know" Saying this, he started walking. "Hey where are you going?" I stopped him. He turned to me. "To some safe place" He again started walking. "Wait, I will lead you, since I am a prince I should protect-" He interrupted me, "when you are yourself lost, how will you lead me then?" I was literally done with this sassy kid. I am literally a prince, how can he talk to me like this???

"Still I should-" I heard some footsteps, actually a lot. I stood in front of him. "Let me protect you" I led my hands on my waist but I realised I have no sword. He looked at me with annoyed expression. I gulped. "Don't worry, I will protect yo- aaaaaaaa" I screamed when I saw a large bird. "Don't worry I am your shield" I said while holding the child.

"You are my shield or I am yours?" He asked me. I glared at him. "Jungkook!!" I heard my name. "How do people recognize me so easily??" I looked around. "Dumbo, look above you" I have heard this voice before too. I looked at the sky and found that it wasn't a large bird, it was actually my jimin hyung who's flying.

"Hyung" I cried out. The kid sighed. "Why do you keep sighing??" I glared at him. "Do you look at your self in the mirror? You don't look like a prince from any side" He replied. "Yahh how can you talk like this to a prince? Hyung see he-" Hyung smacked the back of my head. "Ouch hyung, what was that for?"

"For not listening to jin hyung" He replied. Just then I again heard footsteps, this time they were running, I guess.

"Hyung save me please" I hide behind him, thinking it's a demon. He sighed, the kid too sighed. "A demon won't run like you, it must be humans" The kid said. "Demons?? Where are they??" Someone yelled, I immediately understood it's jin hyung. "Hyung!!!!!" I cried out and went to hug him.

But he started his angry rap on me. "Yahhh!! How could you get lost so easily?? Don't you know you are a prince?? Do you know how much worried you made me?? If you ever do it again, then come back yourselves.. And why the hell did you left your chariot???"

"Hyung will you let me speak first??" I whined. "Yah yah speak" He replied. "My chariot was all ok, but then suddenly it stopped. My assistant went to check but then he screamed and I had to go out to check and I found them both unconscious"

"Still why did you went inside??" Namjoon hyung asked. I told them the whole story how I met a woman and the kid and about his mother's death and the demons. "But we didn't meet any woman in our way" Namjoon hyung replied. "Yea and I also didn't saw anyone here rather than these two" Jimin hyung said.

"But I am telling truth" I said. "Okay okay fine, let's go back" Jin hyung replied. "Hyung what about him?" I pointed at the kid. "His only family was his mom and now she is also dead" I looked at jimin hyung who was looking at somewhere.

"Hyung is something wrong?" I asked jimin hyung who kept looking at my back. "Shh" He whispered and went ahead. Everyone looked at him. Just then from nowhere hobi hyung came. "You alright??" He panicking asked me. I nodded.

Author's pov
"Are you seeing that person again?" Hoseok whispered to jimin to which he nodded. "Are you two coming or not?" Jin yelled from a distance. "Let's just go jimin" Hoseok said while dragging jimin's arm who was still looking at some where. Jungkook felt fishy. "Yeah we are coming hyung"

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